movie night

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"Open you damn thing." Stiles hissed at his crappy DVR. He pressed the eject button repeatedly but nothing. The TV just sat paused on the credits. The only sounds in the room were Stiles and Scott's breathing.

Scott crossed his arms and bit his lip to stop from laughing. His body was supported by the back wall, his legs curled up to make room for Stiles. The tan skin had light goose bumps from the coldness of the room and both longed to be side by side again.

Eventually the DVD came out and Stiles put in another movie before sitting back down. He slowly slid his feet under the blanket, the warmth making him smile.

Scott thought the other was taking too long and gripped his waist, pulling the skinny boy to his chest. He then quickly wrapped the two in the blanket and nuzzled his face in Stiles' neck.

Stiles giggled and tried to focus on the movie that had begun to play. But all he could think about was how his lover was radiating heat like a heater. It made Stiles want to stay there forever.

The movie rolled along but Stiles couldn't help and press himself further into Scott. It was like the two fit perfectly together, pieces in a puzzle. That simile always made Stiles smile because he believed they were made for each other.

The werewolf gripped Stiles to stop him from moving anymore.

"Stiles you move too much." Scott tried to get comfortable. He shifted a little keeping his eyes on the movie.  Of course he really wasn't uncomfortable.

"But you're warm." Stiles said, dragging the last word out.  He tried to get closer again but Scott held him in place.  So instead the pale boy scooted as far away as he could.

"Come on, don't be like that." The older said trying to grip the other in his arms again.  He ignored the movie at this point. 

"No, get away, meanie." Stiles shoved Scott away, turning to face him. "I just wanted cuddles."

"Um, you're the one who went away.  Come here." Scott gripped his arms and forced him over.  Unfortunately for Scott, Stiles wanted to get closer so he forced himself closer.

"I am content." Stiles muttered while Scott was frozen in fear.  He stayed still while Stiles shuffled a little more, hoping.

Please no.  Please.

"What's that."

Short cause I'm a bitch.

I'm in a bad mood.  It's times like this when I wish I was famous so I could just go read nice comments and be happy.

Have no chill and ship Sciles.

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