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Scott's POV:

I sat on my bed on the verge of tears. My heart wouldn't slow down no matter how much I tried to calm it. My arms and legs were shaking although I didn't want them to. The brown eyes I have were outlined in red.

Death. That's all that is around me. It's like a storm I can't wait out. It's a horrible one, too. It hangs in the air for a while after.

I'm scared. I'm terrified. Any day I could lose the love of my life just like I lost Allison. Stiles could be dead already and I wouldn't know because I'm sulking alone in my room.

Stiles. He's such a flower that needs to be protected at all cost. I wish I could stop him from going into battle. He always insist. Maybe I got too out if hand with trying to keep him safe.

I just can't help it. After the void everyone has been wary of him. I know that some of our friends are questioning if the void is gone and why I let him live after he hurt so many of us. Mostly Derek because his pride is hurt.

No matter what Stiles does to me I'll always love him. I'll always forgive him. I fell in live with those brown eyes as much as I'd hate to admit it.

But does he love me? I ask myself that as the argument goes through my head.

"Stiles, stay." I had told him quietly. I slipped on my jacket as I hung up the call with Liam.

"No. I'm coming with." Stiles got up from his bed and slipped on shoes. I put my hand out to stop him from coming any closer.

"No, Stiles. I need you to stay." I grabbed his arm and tried to walk him back to the bed. Unfortunately he kicked the back of my knee. As I fell down I saw my lover continue to get ready. "Goddamn it."

"I'm sorry, Scott. I'm tired of watching our friends die." Stiles grabbed his bat out of the closet and rolled up the sleeves of his flannel. I stood up then closed the door quickly to prevent him from leaving. "Scotty boy."

"You know what I'm tried of? Seeing you get hurt. You're not going." I went over to the window to jam it so Stiles couldn't get out. This made Stiles scoff before opening the door.  He rolled his eyes at me.

"I don't get hurt."

I ran over using my supernatural speed and closed the door harshly.  Stiles hand was still on the knob.  It took him back as he just blinked at me for a second.  I watched his brows furrow.

He used one hand to try and shove me back.  I knew at times like this he wished he was strong.  He wasn't and that made me happy at this moment.

"You got beat up by Allison's grandpa. That's how easy it is to hurt you." I ripped the baseball bat out of Stiles' hand before he could say anything.

"I always fight with you, Scott! I fight for you! One little time and now suddenly I'm fragile?" The pale teen shouted his bottom lip curled into a frown.

To say that look didn't hurt me was a lie. But I just couldn't do it. I couldn't risk my flower getting hurt.

"You're a human!"

"And Lydia can't fight for shit!"

"Her scream could shatter your skull!"

"Which is why she won't use it!" Stiles screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice cracked at the end but I knew he didn't care.  He just wanted to go.

"You're. Not going." I spoke through hissed teeth. I pushed Stiles so hard he flew onto his bed. Quickly then I opened the door and shut it behind me.

Stiles screamed and I heard him scramble to get up and out of bed. By the time he got there I had already jammed the door with the bat and was standing for a moment listening.

"Scott! Open the door!" Stiles pleaded, banging on the door and twisting the knob. After that I took off. The pleads became too much and followed me down the hallway. "Scott!  Scott, I hate you!"

After that I stopped listening, my heart broke in two.  I willed myself not to let it get to me.  Stiles was just mad, he didn't mean it.  He couldn't, he loves me.

Even as I fought for my pack, for my family, I couldn't help but wonder if that was true.  Stiles always said it when we fought.  Maybe he just didn't have the heart to call it off?

I ducked a blow.  Then I made the final one.  It was the one that knocked the leader out and sent the rest of the foreign pack retreating.  It ended the bloodbath.

I shifted back to human form and took a look around.  Liam was laying on the ground, but he wasn't healing.  Lydia was trying to keep him alive by using her jacket to press to his wounds.

"We have to get him to the hospital!" Derek shouted.  I helped Issac pick him up before he ran to the hospital.  Liam actually wasn't too hard to carry, I just hoped he would some how begin to heal.

"Kira is hurt, too!" Malia screamed, trying to drag her body out of the forest.  For some reason we weren't able to carry her, well all but Derek.  So we watched him pick up the other beloved friend and run.

"Scott, C'mon!  Get in the car!" Lydia shouted from the drivers seat.  Malia, Corey, and Mason were in the backseat, leaving me for the passengers side.

I nodded and stumbled my way to the car and got in.  When I buckled Corey reached over and patted my shoulder smpathly.  I gave him a worried look as Lydia turned and drove as fast as she could.  When we got to the road she had to slow down and that made me sad.

"I could run there." I spoke.

"I know, Scott.  But I also know you're in a lot of pain." Malia said.  She thrust out her nails and it made Corey jump before she started to chew them.  That also scared the poor kid.

"Where is Stiles?" Mason asked.  He looked around at our surroundings worridly. 

"I... Locked him in his room." I whispered.  Everyone still heard.

"Damnit, Lyds let me out.  I'll get him and bring him to the hospital." Malia spoke harshly.  Lydia stopped the car and let her friend out.

At the hospital Derek and Issac told us they still weren't healing.  So me being me, I turned around and went home before Stiles arrived.  Although I wanted to see him and know he's safe, know I did the right thing.

Which brings us back here.  I'm in a puddle of my own tears by know.  No one has called and updated me.  That worries me but I dont want to call them.

I ran my fingers through my hair about four times before I heard footsteps up to my door.  Quickly I jumped off my bed in defensive mode even though I was a mess.  I shuffled by way to my door, I strained my hearing.

Suddenly there was knock at my bedroom door which startled me.  I didn't hear this mystery person come up.  So I through open the door while standing like a crab.

"What the fuck?" I heard Stiles say, looking at my body.  It made me relax.

"Oh.  It's just you." I walked back to my bed and plopped down in the middle of it.  Then I sighed when I heard the door close.

"Just me?  Bitch, I'm your boyfriend you should be excited to see me." Stiles sassed.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry.  I'm just happy you're alive."

"Yeah cause that's how we show it.  Besides, you locked me in my room." Stiles sat on the bed at the end.  He smiled at me which made me frown.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked and leaned forward to study his dough eyes.  They lit up and Stiles moved more towards me.  He poked my cheek.

"Smile.  Kira and Liam made it." A big smile broke out on my face and I quickly wrapped my arms around my boyfriend, placing kisses all on his face.

I accidentally published this before it was finished oops.

Summer is almost over. I have high school orientation in 19 days; (


Have no chill and ship Sciles.

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