Fall mood

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Stiles jumped up and down on the bed.  He was trying to wake his boyfriend and tell him about the exciting day.  It was the start of his favorite season.

You would think it was summer or even winter.  More exciting things go on during those seasons.  But no, the pale teen was in love with fall.  No one could change his mind.

"Scott!  Scott!  Scott!" Stiles bounced on the bed as he shook him.  He had this crazed look as only he knew what was set up downstairs.  Stiles was excited to show Scott.

"What?" Scott opened one eye and when he saw it was Stiles he rolled over and went back to bed. "I'm trying to sleep."

"No!  No no no no!" Stiles pulled the blanket away, careful not to knock the clothes off the end of the bed.  He had picked those out, too. "Wake up!  Do you have any idea what day it is?!"

Scott groaned.  He rolled over to check his phone. "September twenty-second?" He looked at Stiles whom have him a 'really' look.

"Yes, but what else?" He stopped pulling and sat back on his legs.

"Our anniversary?" Scott sat up, a look of confusion on his face.  He tried to get closer to Stiles for a kiss but he just sat there.  He stared with a look that made Scott sorry about what he's done.

"I swear to God, Scott.  You get one more try." Stiles got off the bed and picked up the clothes holding them in his arms.  He didn't remove his eyes from the other.


"We graduated in June, Scott!  Oh my God!" Stiles threw down the clothes and stomped out of the room, angry at the wolf for forgetting the thing he talked about for weeks. 

Scott sighed, still confused.  He grabbed the clothes, assuming they we're for him and put them on.  Of course Scott didn't bother to look at what he was wearing and went to find his boyfriend.  The doe eyed boy that was angry.

As he went down the stairs he noticed leaves taped to the walls, making it look like they were raining down.  At that moment he looked down at his orange sweater and saw a pumpkin sitting in leaves.  The boy knew that it was autumn.

"Stiles?" Scott noticed black and orange boas around the bottom of the stairs, decorating it more like Halloween. 

"Scott?" Stiles said, coming out of the kitchen with a hand painted Turkey that looked like a four year old did.  Before he walked over to Scott he pinned it on the kitchen door.

"Happy autumn." Scott opened his arms and Stiles ran into them, giving him a tight hug.  He choked out a laugh as Stiles 'accidentally' lifted up his shirt a little.

"I'm still angry at you for forgetting but you remembered sooner than last year." Stiles poked Scott's stomach and buried his face in his boyfriends chest.

Scott laughed at the memory of the year before.  He had totally forgot it was autumn despite the decorations and went the entire day thinking it was still summer.  Stiles ignored Scott's attempts to make a move because he was so angry.

The two made their way to the couch to cuddle for a little bit.  This was a normal thing they both did when they just wanted to take the world in.  So of course Scott would look around the room as Stiles sighed contently. 

Stiles had the day planned out.  It wasn't much but neither were complaining.  They both loved to just have one on one time because the others were too much.  And by others they meant the rest of the pack who were probably already carving pumpkins.

Stiles got up and ran to grab a bucket and some supplies.  When he ran back into the living room Scott knew that they would be making slime.  Stiles had also talked about making a huge batch and was ready.

"Babe." Scott said, moving to sit down by his boyfriend.  Stiles ignored him and started reading and putting the ingredients in places he needed them.  This action caused Scott to whine at the fact that he was being ignored. "Stilesssss."

"There is no talking me out of it this time." Stiles shushes the tan boy and pulls up the directions on his phone.  But Scott kisses him which distracts him enough to let Scott take his phone. "No, Scott."

Scott kisses the boy as he turns off the phone.  A hand is put on Stiles' waist to keep him from moving and then it presses him against Scott.  The two have a small make out session.

As much as Scott wanted to say he just did it as a distraction, that's a lie.  He kissed his boyfriend because he was so deeply in love with him and everything he is.  He loves how Stiles was so obsessed with Slime and seasons.  He loves how Stiles dis small things that leaned so much to Scott.

Scott loved fall because Stiles did.  Stiles made it the most memorable time of the year for his lover.

They did many things that day.  Some of which, Stiles never planned.

What do you do when your grades are failing? Write fanfic. :D


Have no chill and ship Sciles.

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