Mad Hatter

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"My friends don't walk they run!" I yell to Scott who was lagging behind Liam, Issac and I. He was being abnormally slow. Almost as if he didn't want to go skinny dipping with us.

"Stiles slow down." I skid to a stop suddenly, making the others stop too. I turn abruptly and startle Scott. He backs up a step.

"Maybe we can do something else?"

"Like popin balloons with guns?" I make a finger guns and a pop sound to emphasize my point.

"No." Scott digs his heal into the ground.

"Get high off helium?"

"We've done that already today."

I look around, frustrated. Scott's being so difficult! He doesn't want to do anything fun! He won't even let me kill for fun.

He keeps thinking that I have to be in his presence at all times. But I'm not a baby.

I then see white roses. I hate plain stuff. It looks so boring and it leaves to much room for imagination.

"Wanna paint some roses?" I point. Scott almost looks relieved. He nods quickly and I roll my eyes at how boring he is being.

"We're gonna go home." Issac speaks up suddenly, making me growl. Who just leaves like that? And right when we're about to do something Scott wants to do.

I stomp my foot on the ground like a baby. My nostrils flare. Scott backs up another step.


I spin again. "Why?!" Liam steps back, looking afraid. But I don't care. If they don't care about my feelings why should I care about their's?

Why should I do anything for these brats? I thought they all were my friends! We were even gonna make each shade of the red from a different persons head. I would've let them pick!

Maybe they'll be a shade... Oh yes. I can see it now. Liam would be a lighter shade, perfect for the top of the rose. While Issacs would be a dark crimson I could use on the under petals.

I grin.

"Stiles, it's okay. A little more us time, right?" Scott puts his hand on my shoulder. A comforting heat courses through my veins. I shrug my best friends hand off, but I nod nonetheless.

I watch Liam and Issac run. I realize they're probably terrified of me. Good. They should be.

"This dream... Dream is a killer." I mutter. They all want me to be okay again. But I won't ever be. Bummer on their part. Kinda hurts knowing they won't ever accept this me.

Wait, I can't be hurt. That turns to anger. And anger makes me wanna kill. I wanna kill right now.

I turn to Scott, a look on my face that shows I'm in a mood. Scott knows the look. But now he only grins in return.

"Can we just go get drunk with a blue catapiller?" This makes Scott shake his head before pulling me towards a clearing.

"What about the roses?"

"I wanna do something else." Scott mutters lightly. He looks back and I just stare at him with a small frown on my face.

He stops. I stop. Cause it would be weird if I kept walking.

"I wanna talk."

"I'm no good at that."

"Don't be angry at me." I roll my eyes.

"If I was angry you'd be dead." That's the last thing I say before it goes black.


They're yelling. I like yelling. Because I can get the other person mad and I like watching them suffer.

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