The Day

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The day that Scott decided he liked Stiles' soft brown eyes was an okay day.  Scott didn't know exactly what happened to make him realize he like the boy's eyes but he did.  He liked the eyes as they comforted Scott over his most recent break up.  He liked them even filled with worry.

The day Scott knew he liked Stiles lips was better.  He remembers the soft pink lips when he gazed upon them as Stiles slept.  He loved the way they looked and how they felt under his thumb.  It was almost as soft as the bed he slept on if not softer.

The day the werewolf decided he liked Stiles entire body was good.  When he gazed upon the boy who sat in his boxers next to him he felt a burn in his heart,  wanting to hold Stiles.  He wanted to hold the pale hands against his heart.  He wanted to feel himself against Stiles back as they cuddled.

The day Scott found out that Stiles personality was to die for was a great day.  He knew that the younger boy was irreplaceable.  Stiles cared and was sarcastic but that's okay.  His heart is gold and Scott noticed.  Scott had decided that Stiles needed someone to take care of his poor soul.

The day Scott had thought that Stiles voice was his favorite thing was wonderful.  He wanted to hear the sweet sound for as long as he lived.  Scott wanted to hear as Stiles ranted on and on about some new mystery in the small town they lived in.  Scott just couldn't help that Stiles had the most wonderful sounding voice that was music to his ears.  He knew he could put it on a mixtape and listen to it forever. 

The day that Scott discovered he was in love with Stiles was the most amazing day he could think of.  With his head held high, Scott knew the moment he saw the boy he called his bestfriend asleep on the bed next to him.  As he gazed upon the hands gripped firmly around the blanket he knew he would absolutely die for the boy. 

But the day that Stiles had chosen a girl over Scott was the day Scott decided he didn't want to be alive  anymore.

Long time no see

Im late but happy New year.(is 12 days late)

My goal is to not be dead by the end of the year.  What's yours?

Have no chill and ship sciles.

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