Love bug

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"Stiles, I'm sick."

"You don't look sick?" Stiles replied, looking at his boyfriend who was laying down next to him. He momentarily paused his typing on the small phone to look at his lover.

"But I am. I have the love bug." Scott frowns, jokingly. His brown eyes light up when Stiles scoffs and shoves him lightly.

"Are you being serious?" He puts his phone down and leans on his elbow, tilting his head slightly. He watches with fascination as Scott nods frantically.

"Yes. It's a really bad one and the doctor said it requires lots of attention." Scott says, making Stiles laugh. When he goes to sit up Scott grabs his waist and pulls him on top.

Stiles laughs again as he is now straddling Scott. He pokes the tan teens cheeks before trying to roll away. Unfortunately he is unable when Scott gripps his neck and pulls him to his chest. Stiles arms were the only thing between them.

"Stiles, no." Scott speaks like a father scolding his child. His presses his cheek into the humans hair and rubs it around.

"Scott!" Stiles yells as he giggles. "You're gonna make me smell like you."

"That's the point!" Scott retorts before releasing his lover to sit up. After he rubs their noses together cutely, making Stiles blush.

"Scott, the pack is gonna look at me weird." Stiles whines. He wanted to smell like himself at the pack meeting in thirty minutes, not like the over affectionate wolf.

"But you're adorable, I don't want anyone else in the pack to look at you the way I do." Scott says, his hands resting on Stiles' lower back. He pouts a little.

"Everyone thinks I'm weird and their mom! It's okay, babe." Stiles presses his pale hands against Scott's soft cheeks. He smiles confidently.

"They better or I'll kick them out of the pack." Scott says, growling mighty at the end. He looks away to stare at the window.

"Lair. You're too nice!" Stiles exclaims, kissing Scott on the lips. Scott just sits there with a smug look. "Oh, c'mon! Kiss me back, Wolfie."

Stiles kisses the tan boy a few more times before he finally kisses back. When Stiles tries to pull away he pulls him back in, acting like it was air. He wouldn't let go.

"As much as I-" Stiles struggles to push Scott's face away. "Love to kiss you. We need to get going if we wanna make it there on time."

"Fine." Scott shoves Stiles off of him and onto the floor.  The younger teen grunts in surprise at the harshness of the other. 

"I hate you."

"I'm going to sleep." Scott murmers.  He rolls over and snuggles under the blue covers of his boyfriends bed.  His face is squished against the pillows.

"Scott!  You never miss a meeting!  You're the alpha!" Stiles says in protest.  He pulls the covers off even tho he would love to join his lover.

"I'll call and say I'm sick." Scott finally sits up again to grab his phone.  Stiles grabs it and holds it away.  Scott whines.

"Sick with what?  Ebola?"

"I already told you!  The love bug!" Scott reaches for the phone but instead falls out of bed.  He groans as the converse that Stiles wears come in view.

"Come along, Wolfie." Stiles spoke, walking out of his room.  It didn't talk long for Scott to catch up and garb his phone away.  But nonetheless he walked out to the old Jeep with his boyfriend.

"When we get back I'm not letting you have an electronics so you will be forced to spend time with me." Scott buffed out as Stiles managed to get his car on. 

Stiles scoffed. "What are you?  My mom?" He backed out of his driveway and took off down the road, occasionally glancing over.

"No!  I'm sick and need attention!"

"Oh my God!  Stop with that." Stiles said, trying not to laugh.  If Scott was anything, it was clingy and persistent.  Most of the time the human didn't mind, then there was days like this when he wouldn't stop.


"Do I need to pull this car over?" Stiles raised his eyes brows at Scott before looking at the road.  For the side he could make out Scott shaking his head vehemently. "Then be a good dog."

The supernatural growled.

"Scott." Stiles warns, trying to be just as scary as Scott can be.  He's not really scary, just like a mom.

"Fine." The two sit in silence for a few more minutes before Scott puts his hand on the thigh of the boy driving.  It makes Stiles sigh as he grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers.

Once they arrive to the house of Derek, they know they are late.  Maybe it's not super late, but Scott is usually the first to arrive.  The whole pack must be worried.

Stiles gets out of the car.

"Is it too late to tell them I'm sick?" Scott ask, not moving.  Stiles walks around and opens the door.

"Get out and be an alpha." Stiles gesters out of the car, making Scott sigh.  He unbuckled and gets out, kissing Stiles on the cheek.

Stiles tugs Scott along to the loft.  He was already done with the whole meeting but didn't want to miss it.  He didn't want to be the reason Scott missed it either.  Of course it would make the pack crazy.

Once the get up the stairs Stiles pulls open the door, making the members inside go silent.  They all stare as Stiles practically drags Scott in because he knows he's in trouble. 

"You guys are late." Derek states, trying not to laugh at the sight of Scott being dragged by his boyfriend. 

"No shit, Sour wolf.  This one didn't want to come." Stiles says, finally releasing the alpha.  Scott rubs his arm.

"And why not?" Malia ask, leaning on the table.

"Because I'm sick!" Scott whines, throwing an arm around Stiles.  Stiles smacks his forehead.


I legit have to get up in an hour for orientation but here I am.

You guys, if you search up #sciles thIS BOOK COMES UP UNDER THE "what's hot" LIST IM SCREAMING THANK YOU.

Have no chill and ship Sciles.

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