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"Close your eyes."

"Why?" Scott ask.  He stares at Stiles who's smiling. 


"Because why?"

"You have three seconds." Stiles warns.  It only takes him till the end of that sentence for Scott to close his eyes.  The wolf is laying on the couch with Stiles above him like a creep.  Yet, he can't seem to mind that this would be the perfect chance for Stiles to get revenge on him for leaving him hanging the night before. 

Stiles giggles and runs out of the room for a second.  He comes back in with something but Scott won't dare to open his eyes and see what it is.  He doesn't want to admit it but he's afraid of the younger boy.

"Ready?" The paler of the two ask.  He doesn't give Scott a chance to answer before he's placing something on his chest.  It's very heavy and Scott tenses up.  He keeps his eyes closed too afraid to open his eyes and look at the thing pressing small paws into his chest. 

Scott knows his face is contorting into something not very pretty but he can't seem to care.  He knows it's an animal and from the heavy weight he wants to assume it's a dog but doesn't want to scare it.

"Open your eyes, love." Stiles urges Scott while grinning like crazy.  Scott shakes his head and tries to press himself into the couch.  "Babeeee."

Scott finally urges his eyes open and gasps.  On his chest is a very fat, yet adorable cat. It makes a noise as Scott lifts his hand up and tries to get the wolf to pet him.

Scott looks at the way the cat covers his entire chest. He notices the brown and black on the cat have no sort of pattern. The boy looks at the wide green eyes of the cat on top of him and can't help but raise an eyebrow.

"I'm a wolf." Scott says.

"And he's a cat." Stiles retorts. He reaches for the cat and scoops him into his arms. Stiles smiles at the way it purrs and nuzzles into his palm. Scott scoffs at the sight.

"Great, another thing to take all your attention away." Scott shifts so he's slightly sitting up and resting against the arm of the couch. He crosses his arms across his chest.

"Are you..." stiles laughs and puts his legs on either side of Scott, sitting in his lap. "Jealous of a cat?" He sets the cat on the floor and watches as it trots away.  The cat is just too cute.

Scott huffs and looks away.  Stiles coo's at his boyfriend and leans forward to press his lips against his cheek.  Scott leans into the kiss and glares at the cat who now sits on the recliner.

"Stop glaring at the cat like he hurt you." Stiles demands.  He sits back and crosses his arms at his lover who glares at the cat for no reason.  He gets the two are like mortal enemies but Scott is being very unreasonable.

"He's gonna steal you."

"And I'm gonna punch you if you don't give that poor cat a break."

Scott stops glaring at the cat but now at Stiles.  Stiles glares back and shifts so he's sitting on Scott's lower region.  He doesn't break eye contact but Scott does.

"Stiles, no." Scott whimpers, uncrossing his arms to reach for Stiles.

"Stiles, yes." The one on top says as he grabs Scott's wrist and pin them above his head. "You wanna play this game?" 

Scott wriggles around.  He ignores Stiles words and leans up wanting to kiss him.  Stiles pulls back and stands up.

The teenager walks over to the cat on the chair and picks him up without saying a word.  Scott whines as he watches Stiles walk upstairs.

He has to learn to love that cat.

I haven't updated since we hit 36K reads and that's really fucking sad because y'all deserve better.

Let's start a petition for the author to update more. Sign your user in the comments.

Schools out but I'm super lonely and it sucks.

Have no chill and ship Sciles.

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