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Stiles was innocent.  Some would say too innocent.  It wasn't normal for someone his age to be as innocent as he was.

Stiles never took human growth and development.  He never took sex-ed.  He'd find a way to skip out on those embarrassing days.

The pale teen got embarrassed easily.  He blushed every time the teacher mentioned a 'no-no' part.  He hid his face when someone tried to have a conversation with him about stuff like that.

Stiles found it all very weird and couldn't believe that stuff was apart of him.  He tried always to forget what he learned.  But to say the boy was curious was an understatement.

Stiles yearned to understand Scott when he talked about things like that.  He wanted to have a life like Scott seemed to have.  Stiles wanted to know just a little more than he did.

Scott thought Stiles innocence was the cures thing ever.  He loved how flustered the dough eyed boy got when Scott got flirty with him.  He loved the sheepish smiles when Scott would say something dirty.  Scott was very fond of his best friend.

Stiles blushed as Scott paced around the room, mumbling.  He didn't know why he was blushing.  But Scott just always made Stiles feel a little weird when he was in his presence.  Stiles could never explain it.

"Stiles, it was hot!" Scott exclaimed throwing his hands up.  He turned to Stiles who stared at the floor.  His cheeks were on fire as Scott talked about some gay strip club.

"That's cool." Stiles finally looked up into Scott's eyes as the boy sighed and ran his hands through his hair.  He knew the small boy wasn't paying attention because he hated talking about things like that.

Scott shrugged before turning to get a shirt out of the drawer.  He put it on the bed next to Stiles.  The tan boy grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head.

Before he even had time to register Scott was lying on the bed with Stiles in between his legs.  The pale boy was staring at Scott's chest with genuine curiosity.  His eyes were wide and his hands hovered just above Scott's chest.

"Stiles!  What the hell?" Scott exclaimed.  His arms were out to the side and his body was out in the open for Stiles to do what he pleased.  It scared him the way Stiles was looking at him.

"Do you work out?" Stiles asked, ignoring Scott and placing his hands gently on his chest.  He started tracing the lines, looking completely interested.  A small blush was on his cheeks.

"N-no." Scott shivered, loving the slight tickle of the boy above him's movements.  The answer made Stiles stop and frown, just laying his palm down.  He looked at his tummy then put an arm next to Scott and leaned on it.

"I don't understand these things, Scott." Stiles finally looked in his eyes.  But his eyes were moving, searching, for something.  Scott didn't know what but couldn't help the sweat that formed on his head at the closeness.

"It's alright.  I just don't eat a lot, ya know." Scott breathed out.  Stiles lips were parted as he leaned on both arms, his head hung down.

"That's not what I meant." Stiles scotted closer so his legs were pressed against Scott's.  He leaned down, his lips hovering just above Scott's defined collar bone.

"Well, let me teach you." Scott resisted the urge to pull Stiles down to him, but instead flipped them so Stiles was laying down.

He still had that curious look, but it was greater.

"Have you ever been kissed?" Scott asked, knowing full well the boy hadn't.  He was too shy to do something like that.  He was too awkward.

Stiles shook his head, gasping at how honestly hot Scott looked.  He tried to keep his mind at bay.  But all his innocent mind could do was think of kissing his best friend.  He wondered how soft Scott's lips were, how it worked, how it felt.

Scott grinned and dipped his head down.  He tilted it slightly at seeing how sheepish Stiles was.  Then he leaned a little more and kissed Stiles. 

And it wasn't no wimpy first date kiss, it was full on.  It made Stiles' eyes go wide.  It made his heart skip a beat.  He even started running out of air.  Breathe through the nose.

Scott pulled back and made a trail of kisses to Stiles neck. "The neck is very sensitive.  Usually that's where hickeys are."

"Hickeys?" Stiles asked incredously.  He gasped when Scott bit down low on the neck.  It turned into a wimper as Scott pulled back and gently locked it.

"Do have any questions so far?" Scott asked, pulling back.  He saw that Stiles was hesitant to ask. "It's alright."

"Can I see it?" He suddenly blurted out.  His eyes were wide, face red, he was shaking.  He knew it was wrong to ask his best friend something so incredulous, but the boy couldn't help it.

Scott look confused. "What?"

"It." Stiles whispered.  He nodded down below at Scott's lower half. "I don't know much about anything below the waist."

"Oh." Scott said, knowing that that's where Stiles lacked the confidence to talk about.  He sighed and debated how to go about this. "Well, foreplay is-"

"What's foreplay?" Stiles interrupted.  He cocked his head and squirmed a little, but Scott was gripping his wrist.  His legs were against the back of his thighs.

"It's the teasing before... " Scott trailed off, not wanting Stiles to shy away.  He stared into the boys eyes as he seemed to get it.  Stiles nodded.


"Well, it's everything.  But I guess we'll go into that more another time." Stiles whimpered at the words 'another time'.  He wanted this, but he wanted it to be different.  He didn't want just lessons.

Scott gripped Stiles hands gently and trailed them down his chest.  Scott loved Stiles' hands.  As they neared Scott's jeans, Stiles tried to pull away.  Scott wouldn't let him.

"I need you to take off my jeans for me."

I'm officially out for summer break.

I'm already bored.

I've been yelled at twice since I got home.

don't ya love life.

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