Little Game

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Stiles loved doing things that boys 'shouldn't'. He loved playing with dolls, reading romance novels and even wearing skirts.

The pale boy often found himself wearing cropped sweaters and ripped skinny jeans that stopped around his calves. He liked putting on makeup and giving himself that 'drag queen' look. Sometimes he wore head bands with little bows on them.

To top it all off he was gay. He wasn't good at sports and he didn't have any friends. Stiles was basically an outcast. It was like the world hated him.

Except for those poor unfortunate souls just like him.

Unfortunately they don't get bullied like Stiles does. Stiles always finds himself running away after school.

Today he was wearing skinny jeans and a That Poppy T-shirt. It was pink and he wore his pink and black flannel to go with it. It was the most of that color he had worn since it started.

At school there was a new kid. Scott McCall is what they called him. He was buff, no doubt a Jock at that rate. He even had the cool tattoo to go with it.

He was all anyone talked about. They said he was hot and had a great personality. Stiles had yet to see him. But he wasn't sure if he wanted to.

Scott might think he was a freak.

Stiles looked around at everyone as he walked. It was very easy to tell who was a boy and a girl just from the way they dress and walk. It made Stiles feel bad for the way he was.

Stiles got shoved into a locker, making his books fall as he slammed up against them. He hit his head against the blue metal and fell to the floor. His books and papers were scattered around him.

The jocks surrounded him as he stared up with helpless dough eyes. He willed himself not to cry. Put his parted lips trembled slightly.

The jocks left after a few name calls. But Stiles couldn't will himself to move. He just sat there, hoping his makeup wasn't messed up.

Until Scott showed up.

The tan boy bent down to help pick up his books. Stiles just stared before touching his head slightly. He seemed okay on the outside.

Scott finished stacking Stiles stuff and looked up at him. "Why are you dressed like that?"

Stiles shrugged and stood up with his books. He bit his lips as he looked towards his next class. He hoped Scott would leave him alone.

"Well can you at least tell me why they did that?" Scott pressed on and moved in front of the other. His eyes were full of concern.

"It's what they do."


"Play us like pawns and relentlessly confine into living up to gender roles and having absent minds." Stiles sneered before walking away.

He ran into his next class and sat down in his assigned seat. Stiles put his books and stuff on the rack before taking out his notes. No sooner than that Scott came in and sat next to him.

Stiles sighed.

Scott wouldn't leave him alone. He came up to Stiles' favorite table at lunch and sat with him. But he didn't say even 'hello'. He just started talking.

"So I've been thinking." Scott began he took Stiles' fork and ate a bite of salad. "About the whole pawns thing. Wouldn't it be the parents who play us, the adults?"

Stiles looked up as he took a bite of his hamburger. He shrugged.

"They're the ones who raise us. They're the ones who force this on us."

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