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*read the end for important note*

Stiles pressed his hands to the window of the car as it drove him away from his house.  The beautiful place he shared with Scott that he had come to known.  Memories of each and everyday of their lives for the past six years flashed through his mind. 

Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he looked towards the bag next to him.  The bag that held everything he would need.  Including all the words he wanted to say.  It was an emotional time. 

This was it, everything he had ever known was gone.  It was the end of something wonderful, but the start of something new.  Something that would benefit both him and Scott. 

Next to him, Lydia smiled sadly.  She hated to see her friend cry.  He had always been there for her, from her lover, to the boy who helped her get her true lover.  Malia.  She had to thank him for her. 


"Things are gonna be different." Stiles spoke softly.  He traced an outline of a heart on the glass where his mouth had fogged it up.  It disappeared slowly, making Stiles heart ache.  He was terrified. "What if-"

"He won't." Lydia answered.  After having known him since freshman year, she knew exactly what he was going to say.  They were 24 now, finally getting a hang of life. 

"How do you know?"

"You know it, too.  You're just scared." Lydia pulled up to a red light.  She looked to Stiles after a moment. "It's been years."

Stiles took a deep breath, nodding. "You're right." Of course she was.  She almost always was.  There was no way it could happen.  Not now, after so long. 

"Be happy!  Stiles, today is supposed to be happy!" Lydia pressed forward on the gas as it turned green.  She turned the corner, silently. "I get it, it's emotional.  But in the end everything's going to be okay."

"What if something goes wrong?" Stiles was constantly on edge.  Every year there was a new threat, they never got a chance to rest.  Stiles didn't want anyone to ruin this day. 

"The place will be packed with the supernatural." Lydia pauses for a moment, thinking.  She grinned. "Scott's still an alpha, it'd be a piece of cake to defeat anything.  Although, the show he would put on would be a little hot-"

"Lydia!" Stiles did not want to think about that.  He didn't want to think about that man.  Not yet, he'd probably cry. 

"You know it's true." Lydia waved a hand in his direction.  Of course it was true, Stiles always admired Scott when he was fighting.  But now was not the time to think about that. 

Especially not when he didn't have time to think about it.  He could not get off to the thought in a place like where he was going.  That was just wrong. 

"Anyway..." Stiles changed the subject. "How's you and Malia?" Stiles looked towards the girl he once loved, still loved in a different way.  Her face lit up with a big dimple smile. 

"We're great!" She laughed at Stiles raised eyebrow. "She wants to go on a vacation next week, to celebrate finally finishing college."

"I'm proud of her, she may have struggled and had to redo a couple years, but she's finally done." It was true, school had never been the coyotes strong suit.  But she managed to finish with the help of her extremely smart girlfriend. 

"I think I'm going to propose to her." Lydia said softly.  Stiles choked on air for a second.  His friends hand reached over to pat his back.  The shock of what she had said settled in.

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