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"You're a troublemaker." Scott breaths out, pausing between kisses.  He puts his hands on Stiles' side, not really wanting to pull out of the grip Stiles had on his collar.

"Oh really?" Stiles smirks at Scott, knowing he had him under his thumb.  He knew what he was doing, but he couldn't help it.  Scott was pretty much irresistible and Stiles didn't want to let him go.

"You ain't nothing but a troublemaker, boy." Scott whispers before kissing the boy again.  It was like a drug. 

Stiles laughs again and pushes the jacket off Scott's shoulders.  Sometimes the language Scott uses amuses him. 

A phone ringing breaks both of the boys from their heated kisses.  Stiles whines before turning to see it his phone.  He grumbles a sorry to Scott before picking it up.

"Bitch get over here." Malia says into the phone.  Stiles hisses and looks at Scott who messes with his shirt.

"No, I'm busy." Stiles turns away and bites his lip. 

"If you don't get the actual fuck over here I will track your phone and come get you." Stiles rolls his eyes but says he'll go.  When he hangs up he turns back around to look at Scott.

"I have to go."



"Yeah, whatever." Scott throws his jacket back on and leaves the room to go get some food.  To say he was pissed was an understatement.  He had been waiting for Stiles to come back since he left a month ago.

Stiles fixes his self and leaves out the front door without saying goodbye.  He never did, it didn't matter.  Scott knew he would be back soon enough.  It seemed as if Stiles didn't want to be in a relationship but wanted to hook up all the time.  Not to say Scott didn't enjoy it, though.

After making a cheap TV dinner,  Scott sat on the couch, beyond angry.  He threw his trash on the table five minutes later, not even giving a shit.  Instead he decided to go to a party and get drunk.

It wasn't hard finding a party to go to considering Lydia threw one almost every weekend.  So Scott didn't even bother searching dor something nice to wear, knowing he was going to stain his shirt anyway. Maybe even lose it.

With a grunt he forced himself off the couch and out the front door to his bike.  It started and with a minute Scott was on his was to a party.  His hands gripping the bike handles tightly.

As he arrived at Lydia's giant house he noticed it was already packed.  People were every which way drinking and dancing to the loud music that could be heard.  Some were so drunk off their asses that it made Scott laugh as walked to the front door.

He shoved his way through the crowd of smelly bodies dancing together and headed for the back yard.  He knew that's where to find all the strong drinks that some people couldn't handle.  Although maybe Scott just quite couldn't handle them either.  For he was drunk within his third bottle.

It wasn't long after that till he sat alone on a couch, looking at everyone else.  But he was so out of it that he didn't notice the pale boy next to him.  Stiles whom just watched Scott for a while.

"You're such a stalker." Scott looked over at Stiles who smirked.  He leaned a little closer, already knowing what he wanted.

"Only for you." Stiles paused, taking in Scott's appearance and biting his lip. "Wanna have another drink?"

"You had me hooked again from the minute you sat down." Scott slurred as he stood up, ready to get another drink.

Stiles stood up and pushed the older boy back down, laughing lightly. "I'll get them, you stay here."

Without another word the boy left, leaving a confused Scott.  The brown haired boy just sat back.  He grumbled to himself. 

"The way you bite your lip got my head spinning around." Scott lays  down on the couch, fully prepared to go to sleep.  He laughs at himself for no reason.

Stiles come back a few minutes later and chuckles at Scott pretending to be asleep.  He shakes his shoulder.  Scott shakes his head and rolls over, almost falling to the floor.

"Scott I got your drink." Scott shoots up and grabs the red cup from the boy.  He pours the strong liquid down his throat before throwing the cup. "Luckily I knew you'd do that.  Try not to inhale this one, Scott."

Stiles hands Scott another cup and this time he takes his time with it.  He watches as Stiles sits down, tapping his foot to the song.  The two are silent for a while.

"Wanna go dance?" The paler of the two ask after Scott finally finishes his drink. 

After a drink or two I was puddy in your hands."I don't know if I have the strength to stand." Scott tries to get up and succeeds.  Stiles chuckles one more time before pulling Scott to the dance floor.

That's all Scott remembers when he wakes up.  He thinks good thoughts when he wakes up and he's alone.  It brings relief through his body.

Although he does curse Stiles for getting him more drunk then he had hoped.  The boy probably got the two into trouble.

"Troublemaker, that's your middle name." Scott speaks angrily to no one.  "I know you're no good but you're stuck in my brain."

It's true.  The whole day Scott can't stop thinking about Stiles.  It's like Stiles has him under this trap he can't control. 

It's nighttime when Scott decides to write how he feels out.  He grabs a piece of paper then sits at his desk.  He sighs before writing.

I wanna know some things. Why are you so obsessed with me?  Why even me? But mostly I want to know why it feels so good but hurts so bad?

It's like my mind keeps saying "Run as fast as you can".  But I can't.  I'm trying.  I say I'm done but then you,

You pull me back.  I don't understand.  I swear you're giving me a fucking heart attack.

It's like you're always there in my mind.  You've been in my head all day, no all week. I see your silhouette every time I shut my eyes.  You're in my dreams, Stiles.

There must be poisen on your hands.  Why else would I keep coming back?  Maybe I'm insane.

Not listening to my brain when it says "run as fast as you can."

Scott sighs, crumbling up the paper and throwing it behind him.  He knows all of this but he knows he'll be back with Stiles soon.

I'm going to throw myself off a bridge.

*Ugh. I hate school.


*I really wanna be an actor because it destresses me but idk how to tell my mom I wanna audition at a theatre here in town send help.

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