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Scott shoved Stiles lightly and by lightly it still practically shoved Stiles into the locker. Both knew it wasn't meant to be harmful. Just Scott forgot sometimes that Stiles was human.

With a huff Stiles opened his mouth to say something about Scott being a big meanie when a boy walked by. He caught both of the boys attention and Stiles couldn't help but smile at how he looked so lost. But Scott didn't think it was funny at all.

The wolf grabbed Stiles wrist semi-tightly and turned to ask the boy if he needed any help. Scott didn't notice Stiles stagger on his feet before attempting to turn around. Although Stiles knew Scott would laugh at how clumsy he can be. That would end in Stiles mentioning how awkward Scott was before he was bit. They loved teasing eachother.

"Hey! Hey!" Scott yelled, reaching out to touch the boys shoulder. The boy stopped and turned around before Scott could lay a finger on him. Scott retracted his hand slightly, startled by the suddeness.

"Uh, hey?" The boy mentioned and Stiles noticed the way the corner of his green eyes scrunched up with confusion.  He gripped the books in his arms tightly while his hand that was holding his schedule shook slightly.  He looked almost afraid.

"Are you lost?  Stiles and I can help you." Scott volunteered, looking back at Stiles for a brief second.  He would never force Stiles into something he was uncomfortable with and today was no different.  Stiles' comfort mattered more to Scott than anyone else's.

"Oh, um. Yeah. I need to find this room with coach?" The way the boy said it so it sounded like a question. He glanced at the hallways as kids filed out of them.

"Follow us. By the way I'm Scott and this is Stiles." The boy said to the other. He quickly twisted around and grabbed Stiles wrist once more. The two headed towards the classroom, leaving the boy behind.

"Issac." He said, running to catch up. Issac glanced at Stiles who was being awfully quiet. "Does he speak?"

Stiles shrugged and looked at Scott who raised an eyebrow. Truth be told, Stiles didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to feel about Issac. More importantly, how Scott seemed to act around Issac.

"He usually doesn't shut up. I don't know what's up with him today." Scott slid his hand down to interlock with Stiles' and he shoulder bumped him. He watched as Stiles lifted his head from looking at the ground, yet he said nothing.

The three reached the classroom and slid in just as the bell rang. Issac decided to sit near the two boys, liking Scott's company. He didn't know how to feel about Stiles considering he hadn't said anything to him.

Issac had two more classes with the boys. Then he had Scott in a third. Scott invited Issac to their table at lunch. Issac accepted knowing he had no other friends.

Scott and Stiles sat next to each other while Lydia, Malia, and Issac sat on the other side. Soon enough the whole pack would join the table and Scott was worried Issac would feel uncomfortable with so many people. So he shoved Stiles to the very edge so there would be more room on his side.

Corey, Mason, and Liam all joined the table. Mason and Liam sat next to Scott while Corey sat next to Issac. Scott was okay with that because Corey was pretty chill. But when Kira popped over to the table the whole place seemed to get louder.

Scott turned and tried to keep Malia and Kira from screaming in excitement until Lydia joined in and Scott had to cover his ears. Mason was making love eyes at Corey as the two held hands across the table. They were engaged in conversation with Issac who just smiled and nodded through most of the conversation.

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