Good Enough

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Scott ran to his bathroom after school, crying.  The tears wouldn't stop.  It was a never ending waterfall.  The drops rolled down his soft cheeks.

His mind was racing as if in NASCAR.  His heart was pounding as if a drum.  His ears were ringing as if there was a bell.

The tan teen closed his door with a slam.  No one was home to care about the sad boy.  He could do what he pleases.

He slid down the door slowly, bringing his hands up to his head.  Scott gripped his dark hair, hard.  He made no sound.

He didn't want to feel so bad.  But he couldn't help it, it was his fault.  It was all his fault.

Why am I such a mistake?

Scott choked on air.  He struggled for breathing, but his thoughts wouldn't let him.  He was stuck as a mess against the door.

Just like Stiles was.

He couldn't help his boyfriend.  First, Scott failed to stay loyal and not kiss Kira.  Then, he couldn't help when Stiles had a panic attack.  It was because of him.

Stiles wasn't angry.  No, he was terrified Scott would leave him.  So he cried in the bathroom, and when Scott showed up it got worse.  He couldn't explain the bad feelings he had.

Stiles didn't finish the school day.  He couldn't stand seeing his lover.  Jealously raged within him and he couldn't stand to see Kira, either, all bubbly.  It made him sad that Scott wasn't fond of him, anymore.

Stiles fell to the floor, crying, in his bedroom.  His dad had to work late so Stiles had plenty of time.  He could end it, right then and there.

Scott had the same thoughts.  They thought the other hated them and couldn't bare to be without them.  Neither had their happiness.

But Scott needed to see Stiles one more time.  He needed to apologize so he wouldn't die with regrets.  The deep feeling in his gut told him he had to.

Scott struggled to pull himself up, but when he did he couldn't look at himself.  He didn't want to see the mess of a wolf in front of him.  He could barely stand to keep living as he is.

Stiles grabbed a few sheets of paper and started writing.

Scott couldn't do more than walk to Stiles' house.  Even then he was walking as fast as a human would sprint. 

Stiles wrote to Scott.

Scott was still choking on himself when he got to Stiles' neighborhood.  He wondered why he did that horrible thing.  He wondered if it was possible that he deserved to live. 

No, he couldn't.  Not after how shitty he made Stiles feel.  Scott knew there was no happy ever after anymore.  He ruined it with his selfishness.

Stiles wrote word after word, losing tack of tike and place.

My dear Scott,

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough anymore.  I tried so hard for you to love me.  I really did.

I wonder if it was because I wasn't a shapeshifter.  Maybe I really am as fragile as everyone says if I'm going to kill myself over my first love.

Scott was forced to stop for a few minutes because he couldn't continue.  His gut was screaming at him.  His head spun, tears blurred his vision.

But you're the only love I've known.

I wish I could feel that love you gave me all the time.  I fear it was all a lie now.

Scott got up eventually.  He couldn't bare to wait any longer.  The brown eyed boy sprinted down the street.

I love you.  How many times should I say it? 

You don't love me.  Why can't I grasp that?

If Kira makes you happy then so be it.  Go to her.  Love her like you could never love me.  Treat her better than you treated me.

I won't be there to see it blossom into something beautiful because I'm selfish.  I want you to myself.  I want your love.

Seeing you with her hurts.  It's as if my very own heart was ripped out.  Like, someone made one of those satisfying videos, slicing it multiple times for their own pleasure. 

I won't forget you, where ever I go.  I know you won't forget me.  I'm the kid who killed themselves over you.  How could anyone forget that?

I'm sorry to bare you with this horrible tragedy.  You don't deserve it.  Scott, you're such a wonderful person who deserves more than the world.

Maybe you kissed Kira while we were together.  But I don't care.  There's people out there whom have done way worse. 

I think... If you wanted to keep dating I would've said yes.  I'll always say yes.  You're my anchor as much as I hate to admit.  I can't live without you.



Scott knocked on the door urgently.  It was five short knocks that scared Stiles.  He didn't expect anyone.  So he didn't answer.

Scott, my baby boy.  My lover.  My best friend forever. 

I'm only a brother to you.  I understand.

But I'll always love you like one of those cheesy romance movies.  I wish you'd come back.

Scott opened the door with his key.  He couldn't wait any longer.  The guilt was finally too much.

Stiles made the noose and started crying.  He folded the letter and put it on his bed.  Then he grabbed a chair and stood on it.

He was terrified the ceiling fan would break.  That, he'd have to find another place to do it.  But nonetheless, Stiles hung the noose.

Scott burst open the door.  It banged on its hinges.  His blood shot eyes were blown wide.

Once again, Stiles was startled.  He gasped and fell backwards off the chair.  He hit his head on the bed luckily.

Scott let out a breath of horror.  He rushed and grabbed the ropr before throwing it out of the room.  Then he scooped up Stiles and slowly laid on the bed.

Stiles wasn't crying.  His eyes were wide as Scott cried into his neck.  He didn't know what to say, his lover came back.

The note that Stiles wrote floated to the floor like a petal.  It wasn't wrinkled, or dented.  Scott would read it another day.

"I had the same idea." Scott whispered a little while later.  He wasn't crying.  He couldn't, he didn't have the heart to.

"Why are you here then?" Stiles turned slowly to stare at Scott.  His dough eyes glittered in the soft light.

"I couldn't die without saying I'm sorry and that I love you."

"Like a brother."

"No." Scott whispered and pressed his head against the smaller boy's. "Like a lover."

I'm horrible.

How tf did we get 35 reads oN THE LAST IMAGINE IN ONE DAY.

Lmao y'all are on a roll.

Wattpad almost fucking deleted half of this but i GOT IT BACK.

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