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Stiles smiled at the kind lady, handing her the money.  His eyes sparkled as he held the white roses in his hands.  Then, with a quick wave he turned and headed out the door of the small shop. 

Outside, sunlight began to peak over the horizon.  A light morning fog spread its way across the ground.  The slight breeze of the February wind made Stiles shiver. 

The boy with brown eyes made his way to the blue jeep.  It looked slightly eerie with the fog covering the bottom of it and the paint chipping off.  You could almost say it looked abandon if not for the police gear sitting just inside.

With a tug of the handle, the rusted door creaked open.  Stiles placed a foot on the floor of the jeep and hoisted himself into the vehicle.  He pulled the door close before turning on the engine.

Stiles made it out of the parking lot, eventually.  He drove through the empty streets of Beacon hill.  The only thing on his mind at the time was getting to Scotts house before he woke up.

The boy did make it there.  He was even able to sneak in and place a white rose on the kitchen table.  Unfortunately, the boy couldn't stick around.  He slid back out of the house before continuing on his journey.

When Scott woke up he didn't know about what was placed in his house. In fact, it took Scott a good thirty minutes before he was even fully awake.  After, it was an hour before he made his way through the empty house.

Scott had chose black skinny jeans and a gray t-shirt for the day.  It was simple, but he liked it. 

While walking to the kitchen he knew something was up so he slowed his pace.  Call it senses, but he stopped in the doorway until his eyes landed upon the white rose that lay neatly on the table.  Still, he didn't move.

Confusion ran across the boys face as he trailed his hand down the door frame.  His eyes watched the flower carefully as he took two slow steps towards it.  Scott's fingers still lingered on the doorway, they just barely touched.

Eventually, he let go.  Scott took one last step towards the table before picking it up.  He watched as the petals fanned out.  It was delicate, although it's existence still confused the tan boy.

For a second, a split second, he tried to remember what a white rose symbolized.  Until, it hit him.  Innocence.  Then, next.  Stiles.

The boy with doe eyes had left Scott a rose, not just any, a white rose.  Stiles had told Scott the symbol, but he never realized it stuck.  That he would know that forever.

Stiles had also told Scott that he could be a symbol of innocence, too.  Scott never believed it but Stiles had his heart set on it.  He also had his heart set on the boy with the rose.  Stiles believed what the two had was innocent.

It was a simple love that could do no harm.  Both wouldn't change it.  They never dared to fuck it up with one little mistake.

Neither cared that what they were doing was wrong.  They didn't care, nor believe, about God and what he had to say.  They only cared about the things they did alone in the bedroom.

It was pure, it was innocent.

Scott finally understood what the rose was about.  So he let a smile fall upon his lips as he pit the rose in water.  He didn't want it to die.

It was still delicate and beautiful after the school day was over.  But, Scott was unable to go home and see it.  He had to stay after school for a detention he knew he would be the only one attending.

As the last of the students filled out of the school, Scott made his way towards the dark room.  The room was only ever used for detention so it's lights remained off for the day.  Scott didn't mind it.

The teacher was not there first, Scott was.  The boy opened the wooden and stepped into the rather large room.  The door fell shut behind him.

Chocolate eyes immediately focused on another white rose.  This time it sat in a tall skinny white vase.  It was perfectly on a desk in the middle of the room.  Scott knew it was for him from a certain someone.

A grin fell over his lips as he strolled over to the rose.  It was so pretty with the shadows that the light of the windows made.   The petals looked even more perfect than the last.

Scott chuckled and shook his head at the small act of kindness.  It made his day to know that a pale boy named Stiles thought of him.  Oh boy, did Scott think of him.

Oof i wanted to make this a Valentine's one shot but it's past that day doods.

I think im proud of this.

Have no chill and ship sciles.

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