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Stiles sometimes didn't behave well in the presence of Scott. He didn't like behaving.

Stiles liked when Scott got angry with him, because Stiles would say sorry by kissing and cuddling Scott. And he loved seeing Scott's defeated face when he realizes he can't stay mad.

Tonight Scott and Stiles were going to be at Stiles place to go over what they know on a murder. But Stiles had no intentions of actually working.

Lately Scott hadn't been giving Stiles as much attention as he needed. And he needed a lot.

Scott was exsasted from school and having to deal with his pack. So he just wanted to get the work over with so he could be home and sleep.

Although he knew that with Stiles they'd be up all night.

Scott parked his motorcycle and walked up to the door of the house. He pressed the doorbell and waited. Not a minute later the door was opened.

Stiles pulled the wolf in and slamed the door behind him. He grabbed Scott's shirt and pulled him in for a deep kiss. He wanted more but Scott pushed him away.

"We need to get to work." Scott kissed his boyfriends cheek and walked upstairs. Stiles pouted but turned and followed.

Scott set his stuff on the floor next to Stiles bed. He then started looking at the board as Stiles came in.

"So we know..." An hour later and Stiles was doodling in a notebook. Scott thought he was taking notes. But he was really just bored. Stiles sighed and threw his notebook at Scott who flinched. "Did you find anything?"

Stiles didn't answer but leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling. Scott picked up the notebook and opened to the first page.

All over it was Scott + Stiles = Forever Sciles. With a heart around them. Scott smiled fondly at the picture and ripped it out. He stuffed it his pocket then threw the notebook back.

"I'm borrrrrrrred."

"We gotta figure this out. Come on."

"You do that, I'll go get us some water." Stiles got up and left. He knew it was time to get Scott mad.

When he returned with the water, he fake flinched upon seeing Scott shirtless. He 'accidentally' dropped the glass cups. They shattered all over the floor.

Scott rushed over and helped pick it up. He looked at Stiles who was avoiding his eyes.

When they were finished Scott shook his head, he thought that Stiles thought he would be mad at him. Scott stood in front of the pale boy.

"It's fine, I'm not ma-"

Stiles painicked after Scott said it's fine. So he balled up his fist and brought it up under Scott's jaw, surprisingly hard.

"Look! The moon!" He exclaimed, acting surprised and pointed.

Scott stumbled back and cupped his face. He was startled by the humans strength.

Stiles admired the bright, almost full, moon. He put his chin in his hand and sighed, content. Because he knew his plan was working.

Scott rolled his eyes at how annoying Stiles was being. He turned back to the board and studied it.

"Wait! I think I got something!"

Stiles quickly stumbled over but 'fell' and erased just what Scott was looking at. He even made the board fall backwards. He groaned when he landed on it.

Scott had look of shock. It quickly turned to anger. "Stiles what the h-"

He stopped. He remembers the last time Stiles was like this. All the teen needed was attention and it was all fine.

Stiles did all of it for attention, Scott realized. So he dragged his hand over his face.

Stiles stood up, only to be pushed into the wall. He sqeaked, but soon felt lips attack his own. Stiles smirked before relaxing and kissing back.

Even if his plan didn't turn out exactly how he wanted, it was enough.

The two's lips molded together, as if they knew exactly what the other would do. Stiles' hands traveled all over his lovers chest. He wished he was like him. Well, not totally because then he'd probably be dominant.

Scott pulled away then pushed Stiles softly on the bed. He felt as if there was too much closthe. So he quickly restricted the boy below him of his shirt.

Scott took in the sight. He loved it. The boy submissive to what ever he was down for. The brown dough eyes filled with adoration and lust. His lips so pink and beautiful.

He couldn't ask for a better baby.

Scott moved between Stiles legs and continued the make out. His lips left kisses from his mouth, to his ear.

"If you wanted attention, you could've just said something."



I like food


And Sciles.


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