Ch 2: All At Stake

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Back at the Enchanted Forest, 5000 years give or take, a royal heir was born. The shadow explained to Peter Pan about True Love.  Would he just will have to fall in love? It was unacceptable. Life with the Lost boys and the occasional wars with Captain Hook was good enough.

One day, the kingdom faced rioters. Was it due to the drought or the announcement of war? The castle was attacked, and the walls and the guards barely kept them off.  It would have tolerable if Regina, the queen of the neighboring kingdom had not announced war on them. The kingdom was falling into pieces. 

Nobody could feel what the King and Queen felt, their just and kind ways should have kept the kingdom together. But reality wasn't a fairytale, was it? The royal adviser quickly arranged for a transportation for the royal family to safely reach the safe house. It seemed as the only thing they could do. 

The peasantry had armed themselves and everything was at stake. Sometimes it was confusing his people wanted an Evil Queen over the Kind and Gentle Rulers. And as sad as it was, the birth of the heir pushed them over the edge.

What they didn't know was Regina envied the Trio. She had predicted their next step, unfortunately. Meanwhile, the Royalties were safely seated in a carriage, had not anticipated Regina's next attack. She was waiting. As they neared, she flung the carriage onto the sides, killing the King and Queen on the spot.

The people had betrayed their own Rulers. Were they blackmailed or forced or did it willingly? No one knew.  

A young boy found the remains of what had been a royal carriage, and dug through into the goods for the gold and jewelry and money. A cry of a baby rang through the forest. "Who could it be?" The young boy muttered. The little boy frantically looked around to find no one around. Digging through the bodies, he found a little baby, wrapped in silks.

Apparently, when the accident happened, the king and queen threw themselves over the baby to save her from the accident. Now, what was a little boy to do with a little baby? He did try to leave her of-course, but could not find it in himself to leave the baby in the forest, with the wild animals roaming around. So, he took her home. He thought his parents would be happy to get a baby. Didn't they tell him, that's how the babies come from, anyways?

But the parents wanted nothing to do with the baby because all it did was cry. They kept her for a month and thought they couldn't handle it. They left it at the steps of the orphanage, note tucked in the rough sheets. The family wasn't rich but they had tried their best.

At the orphanage, the first few months, the baby was adopted by many a family. It was hard, she was just a few months old. The orphanages attic soon became a home for her. The caretakers had had enough of the crying screaming little babe.

Meanwhile, Regina was ruling over the land, not really caring for the very people who helped her. Tough rules were made over the land. The drought worsened the conditions, and people were malnourished.

They knew they should have never ever helped her. They did try to fight against her but she had an iron hand over them. All was in vain.


I would like to thank all the readers for their little contributions... 300+ reads, wow!!!

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