Ch 3: The First Meet

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Curiosity kills the cat, they said. And the Infamous Peter Pan wanted to meet his "True Love". He was sure True Love was a fable that they told children to help them sleep at night. But for the first time Pan was touched at the sight of the crying baby, he was merely a boy, he still had a heart.

When she was done, she pointed towards the area of the children's library. Pan carried her to the Library, he was curious. It was definitely a real surprise for him when she pointed out to the Peter Pan book. Pan muttered under his breath, "Great, I shall have to read the stupid stories." Snorting, he poked her side, "I don't even wear tights!"

Hesitantly, he succumbed to the little one's wishes. He started reading the story.

After a lot of convincing by the shadow, he took her home and just dropped her onto Felix. If only he knew, she was not a bag of potatoes. Felix took lot of care of her, more than Pan as he didn't know how to take care of babies and thought they were a waste of time. The lost boys were excited to see her except a group of three- Marcus (One of Pan's Favorite, and a big bully), Oliver and Chester; they sneered and shouted.

One day, it so happened that Pan and Felix had to go for 'some business'. Felix asked the lost boys to try their best at taking care of her. After they were gone, Marcus decided now he could do whatever he wanted with this 'bundle of blankets'. But when she saw Marcus, she started crying so loud and wouldn't stop. The lost boys tried to make her quiet even Marcus (Oliver and Chester did not even look in her way)...

That's when a boy named Charlie came after carrying a couple of logs for the evening celebrations and easily calmed her down. After this incident, Charlie and his two friends, Jake* and Derek took care of her when Felix was away.

:::AT THE AGE OF 5:::

One day, Amanda suddenly disappeared. Peter was surprised when he couldn't even feel her on the island. He sent out Search Parties and everyone searched high and low. Soon, Chester disappeared as well.

Eventually, after a few days, Pan was able to locate Chester and followed him to a Cave, where he found the precious little girl. He was heartbroken to see her upset and shaken up. Chester should not have gone so low. He killed him on the spot.

After this incident, Pan decided that it's too dangerous for Amanda to be here, in Neverland. So, while sleeping he took away her memory of Neverland only to be broken by true love's kiss and sent her back to Enchanted Forest. Life was going to get harder for Amanda.


I am sorry for these few short chapters. I had decided to keep the Original Chapters so I could not lose the number of reads. This originally were one sentence chapters. It was quite hard to expand the ideas I had and I hope this editing was good enough. I really don't want you to think the rest of the book is as bad as the start.

All the Love,

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