Shivers I can't shake

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Well, here we are, with another update on this ol' book. I don't know how good this new pot twist is going, and I hope you are enjoying the story. 

This chapter will explain the 'soon's we have been hearing in our last chapter/character analysis. It will also answer some of the questions you lot might have in mind. Please don't be a silent reader and do comment or vote. 

I know I talk a lot over here and I promise you the chapter will be worth it.

WARNING: mentions of blood, abuse and murder.


Amanda's POV

Ofcourse my new found memories had changed the whole aspect of Peter and I's relationship but nothing much had changed. My boys have been somehow more protective ever since the kiss. We haven't talked about it yet, basically because I am still not yet ready for it. We had kissed a few times after that, which is not to supposed to be mentioned, but Peter seemed to be a lot distant lately. Not that I blame him but there has been a lot of pressure. 

I feel ridiculous for even doubting him at times. But let's be honest here, he barely acknowledged my presence anymore.... He made me move out of the treehouse just a couple of days back and I was given my own huge tent close to the camp amongst the boys'. I understood his reasons but Charles was compelling me to atleast confront Peter for his latest decisions. I know they are bizarre but we just now starting to get serious but I had been pushed out of his life. Don't say I was being dramatic.

To be exact, it had been more than 2 weeks since the kiss. I mean, I might be over-analyzing the situation but I wonder what had gone wrong. And currently I was having a wonderful time with Liam who was convinced that he was the best love doctor. "Just reveal your true self to him or something" he said while chopping a large basket of carrots. 

I snicked back at him, "Reveal my true self? Reveal? That sounds like a line from a novel. Li just leave it alone. If he wants to come to me, he will. I am not throwing myself at him. Besides, now you are making me feel I was stupid to even 'reciprocate' his apparent love for me. My gosh, what have I done!" He stopped chopping, "Princess, just know that somewhere deep in his heart, he atleast feels something for you." I snorted, "Bold of you to assume he has one." 

"He sure does." Charlie said walking in the kitchen, "Just talk to the lad, little girl." I rolled my eyes, "Don't little girl me, Charles." He narrowed his eyes, "Don't sass me little girl, I am your dad as much as the other guy over here." I sighed and rolled my eyes again, "Sure dad." I said, dragging the word dad. Charles ruffled my hair and happily hopped beside Liam, "What ya cooking, mate?" Liam flinched, "Don't call me mate, Charcoal." Charlie knows Liam hates being called 'mate' but still keeps on pulling his leg. 

I shook my head and walked out of the tent when Charlie pulled me back in, which cause me to land hard on his chest. I groaned, "What now?" He just said, "Go to Peter or I will drag you to him. You two need to talk it out, dove." He winked at Liam, "Or....Li and I have some plans over our sleeves." I looked at Charlie and then at Liam, both their faces plastered with a naughty smirk, I shook my head, "You two are trouble." Charlie saluted at me. I shook my head again, finally getting out of the kitchen for good. In one of these days, they will get me killed!

Today was nearly a typical day at camp but for some reason the lost boys were practically running around in the clearing. Such a rush! I wondered if I should take Charlie's advice or should I just not care about that situation right now. I mean, we had a bigger situation in our hands, a few notes had popped up here and there but Peter had ensured safety for all of us. That boy is one of a kind. 

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