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I have no idea why I am typing this chapter out right now, but here you go.... 

30 chapters! We have come a long way. I am still debating whether it is time for our villain to make an appearance, or should I wait a couple more chapters. I am being random... urgh... I hope you lot are still enjoying and if you are not, just lie ;)

Warning: Mentions of violence, drugs...

I should probably make this story mature...?


Amanda's POV

"-I had hallucinations from whatever he had injected me. I saw Penelope, blood flowing from her nose and mouth. She was screaming that I could have saved her. I don't remember the rest, I was just 12 then what more could I make sense of the hallucination? Anyways, much of the time with that creepy man was a blur but I do remember much of things that happened. That man had a couple of friends, I still don't know if they were just drug addicts or if they were something worse.

I believe they may be considered as scientists but I mean what they were try to "invent" were drugs and even mixing different drugs and what not! And basically I was their guinea pig. They made me go through so much, but the man was filthy rich. I remember that day very well, they were going to sell my kidney to the black market for more money, I mean, seriously the guy was rich, why would they need more money from- " Charlie choked a sob. I quietly wrapped my arm around him. 

Surprisingly, Charlie let out a chuckle, "The funny thing was that day this guy comes. Well, he began fighting with those men and I ran. Turns out he was just a client who was disappointed with their service or something like that. I made it out, I am proud of it still. I spent the next 3 years in the streets, trying to avoid orphanages. I have no idea how I survived, the streets at night were the most dangerous places. I was still suffering the old guilt of not being able to save Penny but I got over it, somehow.

I used to steal food and later landed a steady, miserable job at the bakery. I could barely make through a couple of months as the smell of fresh bread would attack my painfully starving stomach. I was malnourished and soon the after effects of drugs beat me down. I was 15 when I met the supposed love of my life, Kitty Rivera. I used to call her by her last name just to tease her." Charlie took a moment and he was all smiles, eyes twinkling and he let out a happy sigh.

I asked, "So then what happened?" He grimaced looking at me, "Well Rivera was just a servant, also 15 like me and we both had the time of our lives for a year. But her masters urged her to not associate with me. I mean, I was just a poor lad on the streets. Still, she would seek me in and even would lend me food.... until one day she died. A carriage ran over her. I was in another part of the town then. Rivera was a petite short girl and she died then and there. I didn't even get to say goodbye. 

I mean another year on the streets mourning her loss. Her masters blamed it on me, obviously. I was now 17 and too old for being sent back to the orphanage, I was finally relieved. I became a servant for some spoiled brat, I could barely handle him and I ran from the place as well. It was on the way, the shadow brought me here." I patted his head, "You are a strong amazing guy, Charlie. Penny's and Rivera's death was not your fault. I hope you know that." He barely nodded and I sighed, "What is done is done. There was nothing you could do about it." 

Charlie smiled, "I know. The lads here helped me. So you see, Neverland is not a bad place. It is supposed to be the place of our imagination and magic. There is always trouble round the corner, that's what makes life fun over 'ere. Otherwise, we would just be sitting on our asses all day staring at each other's faces." I giggled, "Charles, I love the way you think!" He laughed and tickled me. "OIii Stop Charlie!" 

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