Ch 9: Is this too much, even for me?

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How is the story? Please comment. When I write, most of the time I surprise myself. Ever since I began writing for you guys, I never have a plan in my mind. It is as if my hands and my figures have a mind of their own. And this is all thanks to you guys. I like writing and reading. Though I am a perfect fit to be a writer, I can't pursue it. Anyways, please comment and vote on my story. 

 I feel that the above song is one of my favorites. Yea, I like Shawn Mendes music, almost all of his songs. But if you don't please skip it. But before you ask, no, I have no crush on him, yes, he is adorable and sweet and cute and wonderful, just not my type.

Btw, I would like to thank fangirlzunite for her support and admiring comments ;). And her encouraging, motivational company...

Please comment and vote and tell everyone about this story.

Not to forget, this story is 4th on wendydaring. It kinda keeps on changing. This is awesome. Thank you all.


Amanda's POV

Couple of days have been hectic and no mercy from Pan. I just want someone to knock some sense into him. I have been forced to do laundry work and cleaning tents, even cleaning the damn clearing. I did rebel, but you know it went down the drain as always. Possessive Pan not to mention. I mean I can't say "Hey!" to a guy. He was possessive way too much. 

I probably should have read an article on how to deal with insolent boys or something at home and a book how to beat a crap out of egoistic boys. Does he have any idea that I, um, we are humans, not robots? 

Gosh! Even sometimes his looks even kill me. Sometimes he tortures me with his looks.

Stay on the topic. Well, I was chained up as well. Worse than an animal. Can someone just kill Pan for me? He's a complete jerk! 

"He's what?!" Oops, I said it too loud.  

I turned around to face the speaker of that deep voice. Please be Felix, Please be Felix, Please be- It had to be Pan. Who else would like to creep up to me? I gulped, his outburst still hanging in the air. He smirked, "Now, What were you saying about me, love?" "Why don't you take these chains off me? Then we will see!" He raised an eyebrow. I don't know why but just this gesture gets me rattled.

'Cause you are attracted to him.

Thanks Brain. I don't like him. He spoke up, "I see you are still that feisty little girl." I rolled my eyes, "Obviously!" "And I like it, little one" his voice was low and deep. I think what I said affected him. He walked closer, and I walked backwards, kinda difficult when my legs are also chained. I was cornered as a tree was behind me. 

Dearest Mr. Tree,
Thank you for giving us oxygen and keeping us alive. I just have a little favor to ask from you. Could you please be reasonable and move for me?
All the love,

Pan intentionally pushed himself into me, so damn close ... My face paled. Sometimes my body doesn't work with me. It's so annoying, really. I should probably write a note to my body too. He smirked, of course I can't kick him bum out of his skin right now, thanks to the darn chains. In one of these day, I am going to do as I mentioned above. It is essential...for my health... and my well-being and it's the most effective cure for mental stress.

I am having boy problems, really. I swallowed, as I thought of a way to escape. He smirked, that smirk should be thrown in a volcano. He winked, "Darling, no need for violence. We could always figure something out." I spoke it loud didn't I. 

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