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Hey guys! How was the suspense I left you with?

I am sure this chapter is worth the wait........

.......or is it???

I am really excited for this chapter. Maybe there is something you all were waiting for. That is what Peter said on the last chapter.

Anyways, do VOTE and COMMENT. Did you know this story is now eligible for the Wattys?
Should I go for it or not?

I went for it.


Amanda's POV

I had tried to ignore Pan for like whole 4 days. And you can't even imagine how I managed to do so. Honestly, I had blackmailed Felix into sharing his tent for the night. Don't ask how....

Somehow, I had successfully managed to avoid Pan because I wanted time to think. See, I am not just any other damsel in distress. It was a rather difficult process because of a persisting gluten-pancake at my back. Other than sharing a tent, Felix didn't want anything to do with my ignoring a certain boy. Thank heavens, Charles was absolutely helpful for the particular situation. Surprisingly, he encouraged it, that was because he thought we had a fight....

She means to say that Charlie was told another story. He was blinded by his trust for this-

Might I remind you, that it is I you speak of.

Very well. It's not like I am able to do anything about it...yet.

Yet? Overly confident?

Precisely. Unlike you, I feel guilty and ashamed of the way you are treating Peter.

Might I also remind you that you are a part of me?

But some things you do makes me want to kill you.

Then why don't you?

Jake had thought a lot about it than he ought to. The major question he had was why did I even start ignoring Peter. Jake believes that me and Pan-

Peter and I...

Yes, Peter and I love each other. But it is not so. No amount of convincing hasn't help me. I mean the guy doesn't even like me, let alone love me. Wait...what? I didn't have a weirdest idea why I was trying to figure out if he liked me or not. Wasn't it me who said, "Darla, Don't go for it."? It wasn't a good time to start doubting everything I stood for....right?

You said some time ago that you know he liked you.... -_-

I guess so. But I mustn't get my hopes up right?

..... When you start talking, all logic lose their meanings....

Wonderful. It doesn't really help my situation.

It isn't a situation...you have made it one.

Urgh...It's what I am trying to avoid. Can't you see that if I think that he likes me everytime I see him, I will get hella awkward? And do you also realise the fact that I am a pretty awkward person?

Awkward? yes a million times. Pretty? Let's see. Let's check in the mirror.

I suggest you keep that mouth shut.

But you love my advises.


I felt extremely attached to Charlie by the end of the 4 days. Aside from my first impressions, he was a really astonishing guy. To be honest, he freaked me out when I saw a glimpse of his wild side. I had always thought of him as a sensible boy. I could only say that I was mistaken. Other than him, Derek and Brian are truly like two twins. Both babied me a lot, and both seem to be quite inseparable, to the point that it is actually amusing. Derek is rather different around him. Quite frankly, I would ship those two but they are just too straight to be together.

Freedom: A Peter Pan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now