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So, how are we dealing with Charlie's death?

Personally, I feel terrible for Amanda.

Fun fact: I based Charlie on my mother entirely.

Also, this chapter will be basically flashbacks to make your heart break more.

Lol, not sorry.


Amanda's POV

Felix gently laid me down on Peter's bed. I feel asleep as soon as I hit the soft sheets.

I did have to wake up eventually. From my sleep and the excuse of Reality. I mean, they made Neverland to escape reality, right? Guess that even the places of your dreams could be dangerous. And I lost the one I loved. I am obviously not referring to Pan. We have had too many fights and bitterness towards each other. We could definitely wouldn't last. Not until someone of us grows up. Which would be impossible at a place like this. I sighed, staring blankly at the green tainted cloth that formed the majority of the tent.

Feeling tired, I lay back down. It was too late. We couldn't save Charlie. If only Pedro had cut my shadow off earlier. If only he wouldn't have kidnapped him. If only I hadn't been so close to him. It would have hurt less. All I could feel was numb and tired and sad. A dark silhouette suddenly blocked the light entering the cosy tent. It was Derek, clad in a black suit and a black tie. On a normal day, I would have complimented his handsome attire but in the present, I just wanted to lay in the green sheets, hoping that the sheets and I become one.

He walked to me, sitting down on the edge of my side of the bed. Softly, he whispered, "Snowflake, it's time for the funeral. We cant start without you." Pausing for a bit, he continued in a gentle tone, "Can I help you get ready, Amanda?"

The next thing I know, I was standing over the coffin. Charlie's coffin. Where Charlie now lay. Frozen in time. Lifeless. Lost forever. I lost him. I choked a sob when the last statement hit me. I had actually lost him. I failed him, didn't I?

Brian began talking about Charlie, starting the funeral, "To many of us, Charlie seemed to be just another lost boy with a broken past. But he was stronger than us all. He had scars to prove it." He wiped his tears and continued, "But that was just the first impressions. But when we finally knew him, he was a loyal friend, a great brother, a mighty solider, a sensitive human being and the best father. He was a incredible lost boy."

He laughed lightly, "I still remember like it was yesterday when I was pretending to not know that Charlie and Amanda has stolen my stash of marshmallows for the sake of their enjoyment. I also remember Amanda's first arrival here. She was the cutest baby ever. Charlie was attached to her instantly. Those days, you would always see him in hand with the white fluffy blanket, carrying a sleeping baby. He spent every waking minute with her and used to sleep next to her. Till she finally le-left. And now-ow he i-is  n-n-no more."

He sniffled and finally broke down, unable to continue. Felix patted his back and finished the speech, "Truly, the oldest one of us, the golden lost boy, Charlie has left a great legacy. Even though he is no longer with us, he is with each one standing over here, in our hearts. Yesterday, we lost our greatest treasure. But as we remember the great memories, I-I know that where you may now be, you are looking down at us. W-We mis-miss you al-already."

Soon we lead down the coffin and covered it out, and marking the grave with his name.

"Here lies Charlie Brown.
A loyal lost boy and an incredible friend.

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