Charlie makes An Appearance

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1st POV

I looked at Peter's 'weird' face while he slept. I propped my head on my elbow as I stared at his face. "Amanda sweetie, I am awake.  You shouldn't stare, it feels like you are burning me up mentally." I rolled my eyes, " Believe me baby, I was." He faked hurt, "you surely don't mean that..." I rolled my eyes and struggled to get out of our entangled limbs. Unfortunately, Pan was adamant on keeping me in bed. "Stop struggling, baby. Go back to sleep."

"2 things, Pan. 1. I need to pee. 2. I am not your baby." I grumbled. He kissed my nose. I pulled away in disgust and wiped it off. He frowned and grabbed my face with both hands.... Just then, Charlie thought it was a bright idea to enter the room. I looked towards Charlie, while Pan was still looking at me. Charlie widened his eyes, "Oops, wrong timing." And he scrambled out the door. I tried to lean away from Pan. "What's the matter hon? Just relax." "It's easy to relax when you need to go to the washroom, right?"

He shrugged, "Personally, if you were me, I wouldn't mind. As along as I am beside you." My jaw dropped which made him smile. "Peter.... You really are a hopeless romantic." "Nah. Not hopeless. I am very hopeful, my love." I began to fan myself. "Too much cliche. Too much PDA. I am outta here." I dramatically pushed him away. And the next thing I know, I was pushed back in bed, Pan on top of me and my hands held by his one hand above my head. I admit that was hot....

I gulped. "Not so brave are you now, princess." I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I couldn't speak. "Well, would you look at that, I have rendered you speechless, my little spark." Wait, Spark? What kind of a nickname is that?! I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What did it mean?!

Pan leaned in, lowing his eyes to my lips. Unfortunately, my eyes lowered to his lips as well. Charlie walked in again, "Well, guys, I am back. I am sure you both are decent by now." A shirtless Pan and I looked at him. He sighed dramatically, "Ugh. Why is this happening to me?!" I chuckled but Peter looked serious. Charlie smirked, "Right. I am just gonna go. The door is calling me."

He walked out shamelessly. Pan looked back into my eyes, as if he was staring into my very soul. He smirked, "Shall we finish where we left off?" I rolled my eyes. "We? There is no we. I need to pee, you idiot." He raised an eyebrow, "I am gonna pretend that you said, 'Kiss me now, you idiot.'" I squirmed, "Not gonna happen, Pan." He looked hurt, genuine hurt. "Last name basis, aren't we?" He pushed himself off the bed, walked out the room, taking the covers with him.

I think you hurt him.

I think so too.

I did not know how to respond to Pan's reaction. He'll be fine in a couple of moments, won't he? I shivered as my bare feet touched the cold wooden floor. I walked to the door. He was standing in the balcony wrapped in the green silky sheet. I moved beside him quietly, "Why are you upset? I am so-" "What do you mean there is no we? No us? Why do you give me hope and snatch it away a moment later?" "What are you talking about? It's not like we are together.... unless you lik-" "Why don't you want to give me a chance? I know you can feel the unspoken thing between us."

Unspoken thing? Pan has gone poetic.... I am blaming you...

"What unspoken thing?" "Oh please, I know you do. It's okay to let people in sometimes." "That's funny. I should be saying it to you. Do you lik-" "Let's not talk about that. What do you think of me, love? Be honest. Be brutal. But tell me the truth." "Pete-" "There you go again." "What do you want?! I am not able to read your mixed sighs." "That's funny coming from you. Just tell me what you think? What are you scared of?" I looked away, stunned. So Pan liked me. What had I done?

Do you like him back, dear?

But he kidnapped me. That would be Stockholm syndrome, wouldn't it?

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