Trouble Always Comes Around

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Hi my beautiful readers, I am very honored to write to you today. Hope you have a great time here...

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Amanda's POV

Just a small recap: Felix looked pretty disheveled and distraught when he arrived rushing in our tree-house-

You just said our. OuRs. And you-

Slip of a tongue! Got it? So, he came rushing into *the* tree-house and straight up informed Pan of something extremely important. "Pan, we have a new lost boy." "I had felt his presence. I know." Pan pulled me closer to him, enclosing me with his arms, which brought to my attention that he was actually shirtless. Believe me, my eyes almost bulged out. I tried to move away from him but he was having any of it. 

Stop over-exaggerating and just tell that you were quite comfy and that was the reason you didn't move. Shut up about 'tried to move away', you didn't.


And stop blushing.

I am not!?! 

I am part of you, you know?

But I never blush.

Pan snickered which made me look up at him, "What?" "Sorry, love. But are you blushing?" 

Was I lying then?

I shuttered, "N-no. I-I am not." His reaction was quite surprising. Pan smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead, moving down to whisper in my ear, "It's not good to lie, my darling." I immaturely just nodded my head, finding myself astonishingly speechless which just made my cheeks get warmer. Felix sighed, "Are you done? You both?" Both of us looked at him in disbelief, as we had forgotten he and Derek were standing here. Right in front of us.

"Pan, there is some one else on the island as well. The boys saw burnt logs in the clearing near the mountain. The person seems to have been here, longer than the lost boy. Heck, we picked him up before he woke up. And do you remember the note Amanda got? Till then I shall leave you two in peace." "Me too." Derek called out. Both of them almost made it out when Pan jumped out of the bed and went after them, calling for Felix, telling him to wait. I rolled my eyes and wrapped myself in the soft blankets.

Derek came back but the other two boys were no where to be seen. "What happened?" I asked him. I suddenly felt like getting out of the bed, that instant. I got out of the bed, stretched and walked out the bedroom with Derek tagging along with me, seemingly deep in his thoughts. I would have almost made it out of the tree-house if it wasn't for Derek. He didn't allow me to go out of the tree house. He was quite persistent even, claiming that Pan had told him too. 

I whined, "I ammm huunnggrryyy!" He looked at me in a funny way, "Hi hungry, I am Derek!" I rolled my eyes, "1. I am seriously genuinely hungry and 2. That's a really old and unfunny joke!" "Okay okay, not my fault you slept through the day. All the food is finished." "Food finished?! This is the worst day ever!! A nightmare!! I need to go out of here!" "No no no" Derek ranted and grabbed my forearm. "I need food, you big idiot!" "Uh...I have food?" "You sound unsure. Duh." 

He pulled me into the kitchen, mumbling under his breath about me being so stubborn which made me roll my eyes out of my head... nearly. I couldn't understand why I was on house arrest and what to do with my hungry stomach. Derek opened up almost all the cupboards and found nothing. I yelled at him, "Why would there be food here, anyways?" and absentmindedly opened one, only to stare at a container with two entire pizzas in it. Derek and I looked at each other in shock.

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