Characters Analysis

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Part 28 of this book, now this is absolutely something worth celebrating for... 
I am joking but I am really proud of myself... Let me have my moment. 28 is a big number for me...

So here is another chapter based on our beloved characters. I know my cliffhangers are drool-worthy and the power in my veins thrills me. So, here you go, but don't forget we are soon arriving a twisty horrific chapter (I am just over-exaggerating)...

I hope you all are enjoying this book, and I really love writing it... when I am not stuck. Both in real life and here, in my books. So, I am no longer stuck, even in real life because I finally relieved myself from it. 

I just told you if in case you all were worried. Just lie you were worried... ;)

Anyways, here we go...
So our little Amanda finally remembers some things about Neverland. See, she was like so little but I am sure she would remember some things at least. I remember some things too...


Peter Pan
He is my boyfriend, so I will have to say he is rather handsome... To be honest, he is a puppy ... (I heard that, darling. You will regret that!!!) Wait...where did you come from?! LEavE!!! This is my interview! (Oh shut up! What happened to being a couple and sharing everything?) It doesn't work like that, stupid. 
He finally left. Phew, to be honest, he is rather cute and nice. I could just sit and admire what he is like. Even things he does irritates me. *whispers* He is eavesdropping. *smirks* //

How about we move on....? Tell me what u think of him. Like his personality.
Honestly, we both are pretty immature. And he is a annoying little sh-(kids present, ma'am) OH MA GOSH! YOu dOnt JUST iNTERrupT mE!! As I was saying... he needs a kick from time to time. And I feel like punching him like 24/7...except the times I want to just pull his cheeks to infinity... to hurt him, you know.

Anyways, he is tolerable...

So, is there anything you want to add?
I think this much is enough. I mean, he is good looking, goofy, dorky and like a prefect package one would want. But at times, he is his cocky self which pretty much gets me in a situation, otherwise I am happy. It's nice that he actually cares. The most important thing is that he actually would do anything for me, which is a bonus. Comes handy in blackmailing and guilt tripping him into doing something...

Hmm...I guess people tend to pick up other's personality bits, right?
Yes, they definitely do, like Der-wait, where are you going with this?

Nothing...What were you saying about Derek? He is my dream boy. (He is based on me XD)
I will buy that one....I was saying Derek has picked up some of Brian's behavior, it's amusing though. Well, Jake has certainly picked up on Charles, I still can't believe he cried when I remembered. But then I couldn't predict any of the boys' reaction. It was not scary but I sure was anxious because it does change many things. I would be upset out if it didn't. For instance, I don't like to be in the center and some one blurts out an inside joke and I have no idea and I am looking blank while others are practically in tears by laughing so much.

I can actually relate. It does mean a lot, finally knowing and figuring out things.
Basically. It was concerning that even Li, who was here after me, knew stuff about me. I mean I don't even remember and they keep calling me stuff like 'little dove', 'angel' and 'munchkin', it is creepy. 

Well, anyways, do keep in mind that if Pan ever hurts you, I will gladly kill him for you.
That's so sweet of you. Anyways, please don't hurt him.... OR even if you did, don't damage the face, please? (I feel like you are just dating me for my good looks) PATTER PANN I TOLD YOU TO GET OUT!!! DON'T mAKe mE coME FOR YoU!!! 

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