Ch 6: What is Neverland?

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I have decided to continue writing, since you guys love it.. But if you don't, just inform me, i won't mind it and will stop.. 

Edit: I remember this day. I had decided to continue this grand book and now it is at 3.98k reads thanks to all of you.


Amanda POV

I was running and running when I hit my nose on something... a tree. I should more careful, otherwise. Where was I?  I seemed to be stuck in another damn forest which was full of boys? I really hoped to find my way back home.

It was then I quickly checked behind me, the boys were gaining on me. And I  just had to hit a solid body because I was stupidly running while looking at the back... 

The solid body was of a boy, who was dressed rather differently from the others. He had beautiful green eyes. He helped me up, and held me rather tightly, I couldn't  run. 

Great, Amanda! You managed to get yourself caught. 

But don't worry it is just a dream... or is it?

The boys had circled around me. I hit the boy in front of me where it hurts a lot (where the sun never shines), and basically tried to take off again. But I was blocked by a wall of boys, seriously a wall.

I landed a punch on one's face............................ HE CAUGHT MY FIST!!!! I was so dead, more precisely a dead meat. I was having  a feeling of deja vu. Who is to blame when I am used to getting beaten up almost twice a day. Oh, where is Snow? She'd probably know what to do!!

And the next thing I know the 'green-eyed' boy signals the boy to let go of my wrist. So good so far.  'Greenie' spoke up, " My name is Peter. Peter pan." My eyes widened, the name rang a gigantic bell in my head.  Remember, the boys said something about a pan? I spoke up, "I see that you are the Pan. What kind of a pan? A frying pan? or a pancake pan? Or just a normal pan we find in the kitchen?" He rolled his eyes. And the next thing I know I am being stuffed inside a cage. 


Why is there a cage? An animal ran away? and I am the replacement?!!!! If any one could feel the anger surging within me, would probably boil. It was then I made it my mission to irritate Pan as and when I can.

Let me present my escape plan, it's in steps, so not to complicate things:
1. Kill Pancake - Panface for throwing me in a cage.
2. Become the boys' leader, and force them to make a boat so I could row away from this place.

Uh... I am not really sure about this, if I were honest, you know.

Hey, don't tell me this plan sucks. It sounded better and more heroic in my mind.

Pan came back, so I stared at him.

You sure?

Alright, I may have checked him out shamelessly. Might as well check him out before I kill him!

He smirked, "Like what you see?" I pretended to ponder over it, "Hmmm.... No.... Well I can't blame you. I have seen better. " His smirk dropped for a split second, and covered it by rolling his eyes, "I doubt you have even seen one better than me. I just came to tell you that I will only let you go when you start behaving yourself. Do not disturb me as I have work to do." 

I rolled my eyes, "I don't have any questions; So why don't you go on, you have a lot of work to do, considering how much time you require stroking that ego-" I was unable to finish because I was more interested in hysterically laughing at my own comment.



Tell me what you think. 

You are welcome to give ideas and I will try my best to knit them in this story or in the imagines. 

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