Ch 8: Escape artist

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Thanks guys, for all the support... I will update as much as I can. But truth be told, I prefer updating when you guys ask me to update, so feel free to comment and vote and also DON'T FORGET TO TELL EVERYONE ELSE.


Thankfully to you guys, this story is 8th on wendydarling. So guys, I am grateful to y'all again.

Trigger warning: language (in case cap is about);)


Amanda's POV

Pan had caught me. I looked up to him. The monsieur supreme spoke up "Amanda, darling...." Wrapped his arms around me, " You do realize what this means, don't you?" I swallowed, recoiling. He had that stare which froze me completely and scared me. He smirked like there was no end, "Sweetheart, you'll just have to face the consequences" he said matter-of-fact-ly. I said something incoherent under my breath, unable to make sensible words. 

I was in an awkward, or you could say in other words, a vulnerable position; with me between Pan's arms, there was no way I could get out, let alone move. My brains were in a frenzy, unable to plan out any sensible escapades or comeback ideas, as I was closer to a boy than I should be. I was astounded, all over the place. About the wise person who said: 'never let anyone know you are vulnerable', I just understood instantly what they meant. 

Coming back to the intense moment, no one yet had broken the tension and Pan was earnest to keep up the steady glare, unmistakably the death glare. I gulped like there was no tomorrow, unable to make do with the situation.  Pan continued," Well beautiful, you'll have to be punished." I shot out," OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!!!!"  Pan merely raised an eyebrow, "Princess, you do realize that this is not gonna change anything. How about I propose something to you?"

I rolled my eyes, and Pan gulped. It was rather funny, before I could burst out laughing, I realized the reason and my mistake. Before I could respond, he pulled me closer if it was possible. He leaned forward in a position as if he would kiss me. My eyes fluttered involuntarily to his lip. Those plump and red and soft and gorgeous-

GET YOUR HEAD TOGETHER! He is not meant to be kissed he is meant to be kick in the-

But those hot-

Snap out of it! 

And that's when all hell broke loose... I had closed my eyes and leaned as well. I sure as hell didn't want him to be my first kiss, but my body had a mind of its own. I was internally screaming at myself for being so ridiculous when my ears heard a boyish chuckle that could only belong to Pan. In less than a second I heard a growl in my ear, and I opened my eyes, "That was pretty unexpected, Sweetheart. As much as I like that view, You better remember to never roll your eyes at me or..." Pan's voice drifted off to kiss my neck.

I was in a daze, but I snapped out of it. I tried to push him off me. He didn't even move, "I *kiss* think *kiss* we *kiss* have *kiss* unfinished *kiss* business *kiss*." I spoke up, "M-Move awa-ay, P-pa-an." He smirked and moved. I frowned, " Ever heard of personal space?! Don't even dare go there!" Pan pushed me to a tree and trapped me in between his arms and pushed into me moved his hand and grabbed my arms with one and pushed them over my head, he used his other hand to cup my cheeks. I tried my best to move my head from his grasp but he grabbed my chin...

"Oh darling, what am I going to do with you? You did try to escape, yes sweetie, I haven't forgot about that that soon..." I gulped, " H-how about we forget about it and you leave me alone, respecting my privacy and personal space? Deal?" "Now now, where is our little miss feisty? I like it when girls play hard to get to." He smirked and moved his face closer....

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