Ch 11: Secrets

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Hey guys, well, it kinda feels that the puzzles I give are a bit hard. How 'bout easy ones? Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story, this chapter.

I think the above song is like uh... about Pan...

Hmm, I don't know what you would like to know. Right now, I doubt you guys know that I am actually writing this without even a faintest idea of where this chapter will head, not to mention how will it start. But then, I can rely on my brain to set ideas to my fingers. Pardon me if that sounds cheesy...

Well, guys, thanks for the 1.2K reads and please keep it up...

Lovelies, do remember to VOTE and COMMENT below and TELL everyone about this story...

Edit (18th April 2020): Now my book has 4k reads... Even though I started on this book when I was just 14, I am quite proud of this book for reaching this high.


Amanda's POV

Our cook handed me a bouquet of flowers, roses as red as blood with snow white roses. I blinked, who is this person? Oooohhhhhoooo, this secret admirer had another note for me. This time it wasn't a poem:

When I first saw you, I saw the sparkles in your eyes.
You may not know it but, you captivated me with the beauty of your face.
And instantly I knew you were made to be mine.

When I had heard stories of how people fell in love,
I never thought it would be possible for me.
But when I saw you, I knew it could be possible,
It could be possible for someone like me.

Your eyes seem to make me lost,
And then you rescue me yet again.
This love is unconditional,
I hope you could reciprocate it sooner or later.

I will wait for you,
Ten years, five months,
as long as you want,
Because it's what my life depends on.

I went through all this to proclaim my love for you,
And I hope someday you would feel the same,
The same for me.

Your Secret Admirer

Okay maybe it was a poem or maybe it's a song. But the main thing is who is sending such peculiar love letters and flowers and so many things? It's fun yet confusing cause there are like thousands of boys on this island. Maybe not thousands, but you get my point...

After all that happened with Pan, Charlie, Jake, Derek, Oliver, Chester?, Marcus, Jason , nightmares and the secret admirer, I have no idea what to do? It feels like the longer I stay here, the more complicated things will be. Maybe something is going on behind my back, and I am in the dark and an easy prime target.

No shit, Sherlock.

Hello. No, don't interrupt me. Bye.

It's not working.

What's not?

Your so called genius ideas, brainy. Look, there is like million boys here and not all of them flirt with you. How about you try to go to them and start rounding off a few boys? For all we know, this could a sick prank. Just remember, keep your head straight the entire ride cause most of them... most of them seem to be uhh...

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