Ch 7: Are You Sane, Pan?

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You guys are really inspiring.It is you all who inspire me to go on writing. Since, I believe my writing to be really crappy. So, I just realized that even though this story is supposed to be a reader insert,  I have named the protagonist Amanda as I prefer that name, Or you could say it is a name which I really like. So I'm sorry that I made you hear my rambling, let's continue our story.


Amanda's POV

He glared with such intensity I feared my head had a hole burned through it, I better get it checked. He approached me with his fists clenched. He grabbed my throat through the bars and grabbed my face through the bars and pulled me near his face. I gulped, knowing Panface he could do almost anything to me. 

I don't know from where, but I had a 'death' wish-  I wished to punch him. While our dear Pan was practically growling at me. He hissed, "You have got fire. I like fire." He looked down at my lips and smirked, "But it will be pretty sad if that beautiful face had to be ruined." That was enough for me to look at him like a deer caught by the headlights. I struggled as I watched with wide eyes, Pansy pull out a dagger from his belt. 

Pan raised an eyebrow and twirled the dagger in his hand. After a few minutes of me death-glaring at the dagger while being annoyed with myself, the dummy who had yet to leave my face spoke up, "What am I gonna do with you?"

I glanced back at the douche with that death stare. He just chuckled. Now I was way past angry, I spoke up without thinking my comeback through, "I really love the sound when you shut up!" Pan held a pretentious shocked face, as if I hurt him, "Now now, why would you say that?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

He growled," Never. Never roll your eyes at me." I narrowed my eyes, " Or what?" I said tilting my head in annoyance. Dude, keep your issues with women at home. Pan smirked, "Or I could punish you." I was on the edge, "Yeah yeah, what would you do?" He raised an eyebrow, "You should rather consider what can I not do to you?"

I narrowed my eyes, "You are so childish." and rolled my eyes. Pan had an expression like you-just-did-not-do-that. He huffed and bit his lip, " As much as you turned me on, I will deal with this later." 

I was appalled, seriously- he should- ugh!!! 

ThiS pLacE iS soOOoooOO AnnOyInG!!!!!!!  

He Is sOOOOooooO AnNoyInG!!!!!!!!!!!

 After a while I was sure to go crazy!!!!

Does he know what a jerk he is?!!! 

After a while, sitting in the cage all alone got a little boring. I just wanted to get hold of Pan and give him a piece of my mind. But that would be impossible 'cause he is a big of a control freak and a obsessive possessive jerk. Can I just kill him now? I could have if I weren't in this stupid cage.

After 3 years, I meant hours though it felt like more than a year, so anyways, a cute little lost boy appeared out of the green,(cause almost everything was green, except the trunk of the trees) he 'generously' offered me some food. 

Let me describe the generous helping of the food I received: A small part of a bread loaf, some soup and a weird looking green glob which filled most of the plate. Surprisingly, the green glob was tastier than the soup and the bread piece, it was probably meat with a weird gravy. And surprisingly, the food wasn't poisoned. The cute little boy took the plate and disappeared just like he appeared.

And... I was alone again. Notably, the grass and the trunk of the tree nearby was the most interesting thing I ever saw. I am sure that I'm slowly going crazy. Only some stupid would do like this to anyone. I mean this is worse than being alone, since I don't mind loneliness. Nor could I understand what I had done to be stuck here! 

Somehow, I survived a day and a night here in this hellhole. The night was so uncomfortable; that I hardly slept throughout the night. You see, the cage was 'so big' that one could fit a bed and a huge library inside!!!

 Let me sum up what parts of my body was sore by now: hands, feet, soles, back, stomach, head, throat, neck, eyes, shoulders and my list can go on. Precisely my whole body was sore from being stuffed inside a small place. 

By now I was pretty tired and was ready to kill to sleep peacefully. I hope I don't have to stay here for long. I just wanted a decent sleep and a meal. It's official that Pan is out of his mind. 

Speak of the devil!! He was here. The douche spoke up, "So? Have you learned your lesson, love?" Can you imagine my state? ThIS clOsE tO kIlLinG hIm!!!!!! I replied, "Just let me out!!!!" Pan was smirking and also had a shit-eating grin, if it was possible to have both at once. Y-yea, I just realized that I had just flattered his ego.

That was the last thing I wanted to go. Unmistakably, he was on the top of the world. He sat down on a rock and pretended to ponder over it. He questioned me, " Will you be a good little girl?" I replied instantly, "Yes, anything!" 

He open the cage and let me out. I narrowed my eyes, "I maybe a girl but that doesn't mean I would be good and I'm pretty sure I'm not little." Before he reacted, I kneed him in the place where the sun doesn't shine. You know, I never knew he could sing Opera, I am just kidding, he quickly recovered but had difficultly walking, let alone running after me. Yes, I had took off with the mission in mind to be as far away from here as possible. 

Trying to remember my surrounding was totally useless as all the trees looked the same. But before I could run any farther, I was the one and only Pancake slash the smirking idiot. I had bumped into his chest. He put his finger on my chin to make me look at him.



I just realized that I really enjoy cliffhangers. Not to mention, I am completely stoked about your reactions.

Please comment and don't forget to vote.......

And guys, even if I don't like Robbie doesn't mean I won't keep on publishing about Peter Pan and stuff; so don't hesitate to send in requests and ideas...

If you guys want something from Avengers, Sherlock, Amazing Spidey boy, and Tom Holland Spidey; I'm free for that. By the way, I'm even up for actors, but forgive I don't know much about them so bear with me.

Thanks guys!


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