Half A Heart Without You

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This is another quite important chapter. Yeah, last chapter was more of a filler. Overwhelmed with sorrow for Charlie's death, I just had to make a small Memorial chapter for him.

He is almost everything like my mother. She is a really special person to me. Well, here we go, a life is lost every single day, we dont have control over anyone's life and death. Maybe we can live our life to its fullest.

Dammn that sounds like I just lost one of my own. *shakes me head* I just got too involved Charles.


Amanda's POV

It had been more than a few months. I had gotten used to sulking about. My health was better considering during the incident. Uh yeah. And Pan was overworking for no damn reason. But after the incident, he was quite caring, both of us paining inside. And even though it had been a long time, I just couldn't get my self out of the tent. Everything reminded me of him. I missed him. And that was enough to get me sobbing again.

The boys were used to not seeing me during meal times and such. I genuinely think they might have forgotten that I was amongst them. Marcus had even came in once to comfort me, apologizing on behalf of Oliver. But to be fair, it wasnt Marcus's fault.... It was mine. Though I had gotten over some of the guilt I felt, I still felt responsible for Charlie's death.

And here I was, wallowing in self pity, lying on the bed 24/7, not having a slightest excuse to get myself. The tent itself brought a lot of memories. But I had to pull myself together, yeah? I dont know. I felt like I had nothing more left. Even though I had friends, I had Peter, I felt the most lonely. But then I saw him sometimes.

Liam came in with the lunch for today, he sat down on the edge of the bed. And here I was, silently crying again. It was the place where Charlie used to sit. Liam quietly apologized, shifting up more closer to me. He scrunched his nose. I probably smelt bad. I actually couldn't even remember the last time I bathed or the last time I did something... normal.

Li smiled, and lightly ran his fingers through my hair. Again reminding me of Charlie. A ghost of sadness hovering over Liam's cheerful face. He gave me the bowl, "Love, no offence, but you have been here for like four months. C'mon out at least, once or twice. We all miss you. It feels like we lost you too. We cant-" he broke of, clearing his throat, "Amanda, please. For Charlie's sake. He wouldn't want you to be sad and lying around in the bed like this. If he'd be here, he'd drag you to prank one of us."

Tears would have been silently rolling down my cheek, but I had cried so much that I was unable to cry anymore. He took the bowl, putting it on the bedside table and pulled me for a hug. Gently rubbing my back, comforting me, "It will be alright, angel." Pylling back, he sadly said, "One day, we have to move on, no?" I sighed, "But not today." Kissing me on my head, he left me with my lunch.

Quietly eating the lunch, all I could think was 'Eat, Eat, Eat. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep. And repeat.' After a few mouthful, I left the half full bowl on the side and lay down again. Charlie appeared on the side of the bed, where he used to always sit, "If you are gonna still mope, then when will you have fun?" I mumbled, "You are gone. You left me. How can I have fun anymore?" He chuckled, "I never left you, I died. Tis your imagination. You can still go on and have fun, love. Prank Derek for me?"

I shook my head, feeling all the energy drain out of me. He got up, hands on his hips, "Dove, you did not finish your food again." I muttered in the sheets, "I dont care, Charlie." He sighed, " No, angel, you gotta eat. And you have got to pull yourself together. I hate seeing you like this." I flicked my wrist, "Why do you even care, you are just my imagination." He was quiet for a while, I got up to see where he went. That's when I realised that Pan had entered the tent. That was weird, he only comes in the night time, right? Was it nighttime already?

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