Ch 10: Full Of Surprises

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I think the above music will suit this chapter, but if you don't agree with me, you could always listen to some other music, no problem.

Anyways beautifuls, do remember to vote, comment and tell everyone about this. 

I will let you know if there was a winner, if there was, what the keywords were. But sadly, this chapter will not have them, maybe they might, it depends on the timing...

Special thanks to my friends fangirlzunite and @redroseframe for their support and their encouragements. And my lovely friend, if she is reading this.

I hope this story is upto your expectations and it surely had, have and will have twists and turns and probably timeloops. Of course not, I am just warming you all up for this chapter...

I understand many of you don't read the author's note, I won't blame you all. Authors' notes are usually boring. But it contains our thoughts and maybe a mystery for you all to solve for the next or current chapter and some easter eggs.

Let me save you from my rambling and start this chapter.

Trigger warning: abuse. Skip that part if you are not ok with it. ( if anything like this is happening to you, get help. Please. It's not your fault. Really. Get out of there immediately. They are not worth it. You are worth more than they say.)

Edit: This is a long chapter. I mean it had 4075 words originally. Which is a lot. 


Amanda's POV

I took my soup and walked out. There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was. It was a boy. He invited me to their group, it was a group of 3 boys, including the one who tapped on my shoulder. They did look good, I must admit.

But surely not as good as Pan.

Oh yes, meet my subconscious who HAS TO BUTT IN EVERY DAMN TIME.

You are very welcome.

*Internal eye roll*

The boy introduced himself as Jake. He introduced the other two. The shy boy who wouldn't look me in the eye was Charlie while the other smiling-and-slightly-blushing boy was Derek. I sat in between them. Derek on my left and Charlie on my right. They were looking at each other with a knowing look as if they knew a secret I did not know. I felt quite left out. 

Boys, you need to work on your social skills.

Two boys came to us and started messing with Charlie. They were well-build but looked like they were missing brains. I found out their names were Oliver and Marcus. Surprisingly, they saw me and walked off. I said out loud, "What is their problem? Why were they messing with you all?" Derek just shrugged and said, "Something in the past." Obviously, Pan must have told them off about approaching me or something and that's why they walked off, cause they did seem like typical bullies...

Charlie looked at me and said, "Nothing to concern you, little dove." His blue eyes were mesmerizing and what he called me instantly calmed me down. It sounded familiar. I almost had a flashback, but Charlie looked away. I tilted my head in confusion.

I like being called little dove. Do we know him? Can we adopt him?

Derek signed and simply said, "Why don't you drink your soup, little dove? It must have become cold. " I nodded my head and drank it up. I asked them while drinking, "Why does it feel like I know you? Like I had known you once. " They all glanced up at me and shrugged. I blinked vigorously; And decided to get up but I had fell back and sat down again. What? All of us have this moment.

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