Choose: Dreams

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I have decided to do something out of the ordinary. Wanna guess? Wanna guess? Well, you will find out sooner or later. Thanks enthusiasm....

Moving on, my lovely readers. To understand the context of this part you have to read this weary author's note. Sucks to be you! Wait, sucks to be me! Great! You know what I mean, don't  you? Don't worry fellas, I am not going to break out in singing right now but will simply explain the way to participate here.

Good. Paying attention?
Now, I will write down a couple of scenarioes  and I want you to like vote for the best one. It's simple really just commenting the particular section.

Look I am planning on giving our dearly beloved Amanda an uncomfortable unexpected dream which will be fun to add in the 'drama' or whatever. Ready?


1st scenario:

You were walking down a pathway. It was the path to Neverland. On the way, you meet a boy, you know it is Pan. Whatever he says makes you blush and giggle. He holds your hand and leads you to a new path away from Neverland. It was a table set for two except that the chairs were beside each other. You and him sit down side by side. His touch lingers on your skin like a long lasting drug. His huge smile engraved in your mind and heart. He puts his hand on your warm thighs, which make you realise you were wearing a short dress.

You speak, "Well darling, you are pretty hot." To which he replies, "Well Amanda, you are pretty hot yourself. Would you like to take this elsewhere?" You look into his eyes as his hand shifted more closer than you would initially like. But here you were, flirting back at him. You close your eyes momentarily as he leans to you and whispers,  "I take that as a yes." His voice makes shivers go down your spine. But you were a goner. You giggled as he grabbed you by the waist and flunged you on his shoulder leading you to a bed that marvelously appeared. Falling on the bed, you groan delightfully as he attacks your neck.....

2nd Scenario:

You were standing and talking to Pan. Blushing and giggling every now and then. You clear your throat and bit your lip as he whispers sweet nothings in your ears. You smirk as he tells you to stop biting your lip. And reply, "What will you do about it?" He pulls away from you. Frustrated, runs his hands through his hair and comes more closer trapping you between his arms and a tree you didn't know that was behind you. You flush, giving in to him.

Leaning back, he groans and pushes you again to the tree behind you. Grabbing both your wrists over your head. His lips capture yours to a passionate kiss. You kiss back. As his hold weakens, you brush your fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. You smirks when you hear Pan moan in response....

3rd scenario:

You were talking to Derek, whining to him that Pan wasn't giving you attention. As everyone sat for breakfast, you moved to Pan and sat on his lap, taking him by surprise. He hisses into your ears, "Amanda, you wouldn't want me to do this right here." You pout, "You were not paying any attention to me." He smirks, "Is that what you want?" You nod vigorously. He smirks and  replies, "Then move and go to your seat." You huff and get up. In the process, getting hit by Pan on your bum.

You smile teasingly back at him and work your way to your chair. But before reaching your seat, you bend down in front of him to whisper something in Felix's ear, your bum full in display. And you also deliberately touch Felix on his forearm and giggle but Felix told you, "You are getting me in trouble as well." You roll your eyes and bite your lips. You make one second eye contact with Pan who loses it and gets up, grabbing your waist. He throws you on his shoulder and the rest is history....


Well, I know these are bit different from what I normally write, so do tell me how this was. Please be like active and tell me which scenario you all preferred.


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