Once In A Lifetime

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Hey guys!
I am sure you were not exactly expecting this chapter. Nonetheless, it was already on it's way...

Well this chapter will be drastically different but are you up for it?

Moving on...If you like this book, please consider voting. 

Heads up, I have added more information about Pan's childhood in the first chapter. It speaks how he got his powers and end up here. 


Amanda's POV

I heard quite a ruckus and people talking. I peeled open my eyes, even though my body was yelling at me not to. As soon as I opened my eyes, the chatter died down and I groaned at the light from the fire, it was still dark. My eyes burned. I was curled into a sweet-smelling person, who was laughing causing their chest to vibrate. I made it out from the raspy voice that it was Pan, obviously. All I wanted was sleep. Pan looked down and me and cooed, "Go to sleep, sweetie. I'll be right here." I buried my face into his chest, shut my eyes closed and drifted off to sleep. When I wake up, I was sure to kill the people who dared disturbed my beauty sleep.


I woke up in the tree house's bed, Pan weighing me down, still asleep. I tried to get out of his hold, pushing and pulling, even kicking. Boy, was he in deep sleep. I bet the boys were awake for long, that's why. I still don't know how I was even fell asleep because I had slept almost the entire day. When I was finally successful at getting out, Pan whined and grabbed my hand and yanked me back in bed. At this rate, he cannot blame me if I peed in the bed. He turned such that he was lying on top of me. Believe me, there was a lot of pressure building on my stomach. I let out a soft squeal and tried once again. That woke him up.

I pushed him off me, making it to the new bathroom Pan had build for me in time. I let out a relieved sigh. When I walked back into the bedroom, he was lying down with a smirk, "Come to me." I titled my head but still walked to him. He sat down and grabbed me by my waist, pulling me extremely close to him. "W-What are y-you doing?" I shuttered out. He smirked, "Enjoy the moment, little one." I pulled away from him. I mean, I tried. That cause him to stand up and practically giving me a hug.

His arms were still on my waist. I was awkward, and was feeling weird. A good weird, I think. I don't know. I tried looking everywhere else except at Pan's face. His chest was very interesting, you know. He sighed, "Look at me, darling." I didn't comply. He ordered me, "Look at me, Sweetie." I looked at my dress from yesterday. "Look at me, Amanda Gray!" I gulped and didn't look at him. He grabbed my face with an entire hand and made me look at him. I moaned uncontrollably, "P-Pan." He leaned close to me and whispered in my ears, "I told you to call me Peter." It was then I realized his left hand was gliding down my waist to the back of my thigh. He was touching my skin, thanks to my short dress, making me shudder and take in a sharp breath. Then he kissed me on my cheeks.

He pulled away, walking out of the bedroom, putting on a shirt in the process. He yelled, "Charlie and Jake are here." And that was it, he was out the tree-house. As I stood there with red cheeks, flustered and confused by what just happened. I could still feel the moist imprint on my cheek, reminder of what just happened. I touched the same cheek, my fingers burned upon touching my cheeks. I gulped and quickly took off the betraying dress, sliding into my comfortable clothes. A green tank top and pants. I tried to tame my hair as I looked in the mirror at myself, still flustered and red. Right on cue, my friends entered.

Jake, being an absolute idiot, began teasing me, "Wonder what happened that made you this flustered and hot." I rolled my eyes. I saw Charlie glaring at Jake at the corner of my eyes. Charlie changed the subject. I shall forever be grateful to him, "Angel, come on. You know, Brian is waiting for you with a surprise. C'mon." I was pulled by Charlie by one arm, I used the other hand to flip Jake off. He had a deathly glare at me. Like I flipped my parent or something. I gave him a questioning look, but he still continued to look the same way at me. I mouthed, "oops" at him. The glare intensified immediately.

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