Til Death Do Us Part

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Pan might be finally able to save her. Oops, spoiler.

Warning: Death of a character.

Could be Amanda, Bondie Pedro, Peter Pan, Charlie or any of the lost boys.


Amanda's POV

I stood there, hands and feet tied to the huge X in the dark room, stunned. Why would Charlie ever make deals with such a-

I was shocked beyond belief. I was obviously very upset about the whole situation. Charlie shouldn't have put himself in such a dangerous position. I was speechless, opening my mouth and closing it like a fish, making Pedro chuckle and crack his knuckles. "I was just joking. Your little boy is taking time to wake up." Oh he lied?

I was conflicted, desperately waiting Charles to wake and tell me the truth. I whimpered when he slapped Charlie across the face, pleading, "Don't hurt him." I caught myself on my words, "Dont you dare hurt him." He tilted his head, mocking me, "Oh Amanda, you are in no position to order me.... but I will allow it. It is funny how I can make you my pawn everytime."

I rolled my eyes. He is really sick in the head or something. He grabbed my face by my chin and a dagger in his other hand. He began cutting my cheek lightly and licked it, making me shriek in disgust.


I tried to calm my breathing and fast heartbeats down. Pedro waved his hand, a sheet like thing fell off in front of a sleeping Charlie to display a gagged Charlie. Pedro smirked, "Was an illusion, princess." He traced his hand over the cut he just made. "Yes, I found out." Found out what? I hate people mocking me , calling me a princess. I tightened my fists, ready to punch him on this face.

Charlie was gagging on the dirty sock and his eyes were wide like saucers. I felt like he was yelling but his voice was muffled. Pedro grinned, "Well, I am bored. You guys are so boring. Let's do something fun. A game, perhaps?" He took out the sock from Charlie's mouth to let him speak. Charlie shouted, "Let's us go, you sick-" "So we shall!" Pedro cut him off, "Alright, let's play a nice little game. I will ask you questions, you will answer, and if you don't, we will have a party!"

Charlie closed his eyes and sighed, "Are you always like this, Blondie?" Pedro hushed him, putting his finger on Charlie's lips, "Shh... We are not asking you, Cotton." I tried to relax. But my heart was pounding as if I was running. I took in a sharp breath when Pedro pointed his dagger towards my eye. Okay... I am alive, aren't I?

Pedro withdrew the dagger, laughing maniacally, "Sweet sweet blood." He grabbed Charlie's wounded shoulder, making him scream and probably pressing down hard on it. I yelped in pain, whimpering, "STOP!!!" Pedro moved away, turning towards me, smiling big and tilting his head. "Oh shut it, the fun just started." Charlie shivered, stuttering and gasping on his words, "What fun, you ill psych-" and was interrupted again by Pedro. "Sooo let's start the questions."

Touching my shoulder blades, giggling, Pedro continued, "Dont be impatient, sister." He spat, mocking me. He shouted in my face, "Why did you run away? Where were you?? Where did you go??? You left me!!!" I grind my teeth, yelling back at him, "Well, you liked to hurt me! I left okay! I went and got a better life!!" He didnt seem happy with the answer.

"WRONG ANSWER!" And he stabbed Charlie's thigh. Charlie screamed and my tears started falling, "STOP! DONT HURT HIM!!" Pedro cooed at me, making me cry softly. He slapped me, "I never hurt you, okay!!! That's what you thought! You imagined it all!"

Impatiently, he asked me the next question, "Why did you lie that I hurt you?!" I was awed, astonished, "I never lied, alright. Wow, how can you say that?" He slapped me again, "I am asking the questions, not you! NOW TELL ME!!" I flinched, falling on my words, "What are you talking about Bondie?" He began choking me. Hard. "What did I tell you about calling me by my name?!" Charlie was brokenly shouting, "Stop it! Will you?"

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