Survival Of the Fittest

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Charlie's POV (Surprise, I know)

I tiredly opened my eyes. My little girl was in front of me. I tried to struggle in my constraints quietly. I tried alright. Because I was responsible for waking her up. I grumbled when I felt a bad taste in my mouth. I had been gagged by a dirty sock, so give me a break. It was disgusting and moldy. Until they got Amanda, then they let me speak. I had no idea what relationship he had with her and I was dying of curiosity. Amanda, like me, loved to leave people hanging on her words. She got it from me, for sure.

I couldn't understand the reason, he came for her after all this drama. Seems absolutely absurd. Did he like her or something? I think if I hated someone I would go on lengths like this. From what I heard from my little dove, I would have get damage control after we get rid of this **censored** douche. I shivered, with cold, when he quietly moved closer to me. Bondie. What kind of a name his parents gave him. It had me in tears from laughter. And somehow Mandy still slept through all this.

Now, I was being choked. See, what happened was, in my defense, not my fault. I had stared at his face, piercing through his eyes, which was fun, and burst out laughing, "Your parents named you Bondie. I mean who the heck names their kid Bondie?! Sounds like a loser, innit?" His unpleasant face did nothing to stop my laughing. He tilted his head, "What did you say to me?" I choked on my laughter, "Ah she never mentioned that you were deaf." And I began giggling again. And then he choked me. Not my fault, see? 

I squeezed my eyes shut and he finally let go, "Are you always this stupid?" He asked, his spit landing on my face. YIKES!!! I must have made a face because he looked more annoyed. I do not mean that his eyes turned black cliche. Believe me, Angel told me that about Pan and it is absolutely a ridiculous theory. Bondie's blonde hair turned brownish. Uhhh I am definitely missing something here. SINCE WHEN WERE PEOPLE ABLE TO CHANGE THEIR HAIR COLOR ACCORDING TO THEIR MOODS? AND I DID NOT I GET THIS TALENT?! 

Calming down, I asked him the question, straight-forward. Well I shouldn't have because now I had a bleeding shoulder. HE STABBED ME IN THE SHOULDER!!! Atleast my Angel slept through it..... I wondered if it was a good thing or bad thing because Blondie (Yes, blondie, suits him more) began slicing my little girl's ARM! He shoved that icky sock in my mouth and poor Amanda woke up with a fright of her life! HOW DARE HE!

I knew one thing, this man is going to die a painful death once my arms and legs were free. First of all I will hit him where the pancakes cannot be cooked! Ah... Been spending time with Liam too much. Amanda calmed down her breathing, and softly asked Blondie, "How long was I out?" He slowly grinned, like a defeated lunatic, "For two days now." I widened my eyes. How? 

He smirked, "Well, I have work to do too; playing with you two is just a hobby. I just wake you two up when I feel like relieving myself. Besides, this room is equipped with one of the most brilliant inventions. Whilst you slept, the room was feeding you with uniform and small amount of chloroform at regular intervals. Kept you out for long, huh?" He seemed so pleased with himself, like he just figured out the alphabets.

I sighed heavily through the sock. Mandy gasped when she saw my state. Probably frightened because of the knife sitting out of my shoulder. At least it wasn't bleeding much. But still I could die of blood loss. Argh dammit! She cried, "Please let me take care of him. He could die from blood loss." OOOO, she thought the same thing. He rolled his eyes, "He ain't a baby, and neither are you. Stop whimpering!" Why am I more laid back and not as scared at dear Amanda? 

I shook my head. I would probably never be able to figure that out. And I rolled my eyes. My mistake. The next thing I know he grabbed my head and hit it hard to the wall behind me. I let out an accidental yelp. "Ow" I would probably get a concussion from this. He tried to get my heart but THANK YOU Panny, he couldn't. For the second time, since morning or whatever it was, I laughed. He yelled in frustration and punch my stomach hard. I almost doubled over if it weren't for the restraints on my hands. 

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