Alone again...Eventually...

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Hi guys! I was a little busy but nonetheless, I wanted to write. What can I say? It's my passion ;). I just am sharing the above song because I seem to be hooked onto it. I think I even broke the replay button. Haha...

Guys, if you like my writing, please consider giving it a vote. Also please send me feedback about how I should improve my chapters or if it is good enough. I know the start of the story sucked (I really feel it did) I was kinda new to all this. None the less, I tried to edit it. I hope it's better now. I am literally trying to use every part of my brain to make it better...

Anyways, a lot of thanks to those who have added this story to their reading lists, those who voted, those who took the time to read through this story... I want to send my love to all of you :)

Thank you for so many reads but please vote as well. And please....ENJOY!!!! Haha!

I hope this chapter is up to your expectations...


1st POV

"Hi guys, we...uh..." Can anyone help me? Pan 'came to my rescue' "Boys, Good to know you waited up for us. *he continued with a deep dangerous voice* Scram!!!" His dangerous side can be kinda hot. Where is that coming from? How dare it come?! 

We talked about something before...

Yea... Sorry? :(

Pan smirked at me, "Penny for your thoughts. You know, I noticed that you are becoming more prone to looking at me and zoning out. Something you like?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my hands which made Pan stare at my chest, "EYES' UP HERE!!!" "But I like what I see!" I coughed and choked on my saliva. So much for a brunch...

Why do I constantly have a desire to strangle Pan?! Well, we should better get going 'cause I was getting real hungry. I could practically eat an entire chicken. Nahhh, it will not be enough, I could eat an entire elephant. Too much, way too much. I rather eat a turkey. Yea, no offense, but it would be enough for me. Uh ho, my stomach was practically screeching for food. I better hurry before my stomach tears me apart, climbs out of me and goes on a food-fest...

Violent much?

Shut up. Pan brought me back to reality, "Hey! Mandy, you here?" I look up to him, "Nahh. I am not here. I am in my favorite book." He rolled his eyes "Hey! You practically kill me when I roll my eyes, but when you do, it's no problem!" "Yeah, it's kinda the point." I stomp my feet on the ground like a 5 year old "Not fair." He chuckled. I walked past him, hitting his shoulder on purpose. Why? I hate his very presence. Let's just go away from him...

An arm snaked around my waist pulling me back to a very hard chest. The owner of the arm whispered into my ear, "You can't leave without a proper bye." Yeah, Pan. "What are you, five?" He turned me around, he had a mischievous smirk on his face. "Maybe." " Are you done?" I ask trying to push him off me. "Bella, don't you understand that you can't go for your picnic unless I let you." I looked straight into his eyes, "Let me go, Pan." 

"What's the magic word?" "Please?" "Nah ah! It's Pan is really handsome." "You? Handsome? Please, don't make me say a big lie." "Sweetheart, I can stand the whole day here." "Not much of a problem to me. But don't blame me if my stomach rips me apart and crawls out of me and eats you up." He chuckled, "Duly noted.:D" We stayed like that for probably 5 minutes. "Are you letting me go now?!" "Nah, baby." "Many boys have passed by and they looked at me as if I had grown 3 heads!" "So?" "Let me go!"

Freedom: A Peter Pan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now