I remember

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My beautiful readers,

I hadn't originally planned for them to kiss in the last chapter, I wanted to drag it till chapter 30 or even better chapter 40. But they have finally shared their first kiss and you lot are welcome. And Phoenix_girl26 I love you too ;)

Anyways, do not forget to Vote and comment please. 

Another important question: Is this book good enough or should I change some stuff here? 

I love you all. Enjoy this chapter. Because if you won't then who will.

Sigh...It's gonna get mushy....................


Amanda's POV

I had asked Peter a question which should have shook him to his core, but his response was quite.... more shocking. "I have been here....wasn't I, Peeta?" He looked into my eyes, as I saw into his, I saw happiness and joy radiating from his. This made him happy? He kissed me again, with more urgency and passion. He cupped my cheeks and pressed my forehead with his, smiling so much that I feared that his beautiful face would break...

Beautiful? Honey, you insisted you hated him. 

Urgh, I hate that I like him.

No, baby, you hate that you love him. 

Wonderful. Did I require these insights? No. No, I didn't. So butt out.

With pleasure. I bet you will like that. 

I am going to ignore whatever you said. 

I could remember everything from me playing with Charlie to the Chester disaster. Chester was hardly my fault, right? I might as well have a nice cheery talk with a certain someone named Oliver. Maybe then I could have a neutral opinion. Now...back to the reality, my cheeks were surely red by now, I could feel them burn. I didn't sign up for this.

No, you didn't. You volunteered.

No more wisecracks from you!

But you love them.... You LOVE me.

Why am I fighting over this with you? Gah, I need a time away from you.

ME too. 

Peter made me look back into his eyes, still smiling so big, "Princessa, you remember?" I looked at him deadpanned, "Yes I do. Now explain why you send me back. Is it because you didn't want any more 'Chester incidents' that I cause? Seriously? Is that the reason?!" Peter hugged me so tightly, I thought I would die deprived of oxygen and personal space...

But then according to you, Peter can raid your personal space any day... -_-

Stop it!

Peter sighed and finally explained, "After what Chester did to you, I realized that a forest wasn't a best place for you to grow up. Plus, your were the only little girl around here. It was for you." I rolled my eyes. Peter groaned, "Don't do that. Please." I giggled and rolled my eyes again. He pushed me into a tree, humming into my ear, while leaving a wet trail of kisses on my neck. I tried pushing him off playfully. But he grabbed both my hands in a tight grasp. 

Peter laughed as he pushed himself off me. He pecked my lips mumbling, "It is so good to able to finally kiss you." I snorted, "Dork." He nervously chuckled, "Princess, just know that, we all loved you a lot. It just had to be done." I sighed, "I know. Now. But why did you try to hide it? Make me forget it?" He grimaced, "I had to protect you. You were too little. Your safety was my number one priority." I retorted, "Yeah. My safety was in short supply in the Enchanted forest. I had a tough childhood because of your 'priorities'."

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