International Pranking Day

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Hey guys! How are you holding up? I hope this chapter is funny enough for you cause I laughed so much when I wrote and reread this.

I think I have put this song twice but then, i love it way too much to. But our Amanda will sing this song later, that's why I have put this song...

Oh and people, please vote and comment if you find this story amusing and appealing....

Well then, this is gonna be a very interesting chapter. Hope you are ready for it...

WARNING: Cupcakes. (Cakes make me explode) Haha. Have you seen the movie Jumanji 2??


Amanda's POV
I was currently sprawled over Pan's bed and he was practically cuddling me. I tried to get him off me but I failed. He was shirtless yet again. Jake came running into the tent...

He has a death wish.

Just one thing I know, I shall never eat cupcakes but I will eat muffins instead.

What's the difference?


Yea I got it. Moving on...

Jake started bouncing up and down the tent. Yea, he has had a death wish. "Lovebirds! Get up! It's Morning!!!!! Little Angel, Today is International Pranking Day! Yipee!!!" Make that 2 death wishes. Pan suddenly got up with a sudden jerk and fell down the bed. I started laughing. I mean, who falls down a queen-sized bed?

What's International Pranking Day? Is that even a thing?!

It seemed so...

Pan got up and groaned. Jake was on freeze mode, good for him. How could anyone be so stupid?! Jake apparently...

Pan glared at him, leaned down and kissed me full on the lips while death glaring at Jake. Jealous much, dude???

Hahahahaahaha....I got you. None of the sort happened, just me pranking you!!!! I think Jake has rubbed off on me! Hahahaha!!! Your face was priceless!! Look in the mirror! Haha!!!

Kiddo, calm down.

Pan just shook his head. Jake again decided to kill himself, "Pan, Can I borrow your sweetheart for today?" He sure has a death wish. I glared at him. Correction, death glared at him. Pan smirked and looked pointedly at me, "You can take my sweetheart for today, but the interest rate would be rather high." Jake saluted him. When did I managed to make friends with an idiot???

Few days ago...

Thanks. Pan got ready and walked out. Jake was literally bouncing around with excitement, "Angel, get ready super fast." "But I have...." Before I finished my sentence, he threw my clothes at me. I fell back in bed due to the impact. Damn, he's strong. I grumbled as I got ready. I quickly got ready and walked out with the impatient goat!

I stood mortified as he ran right in front of Marcus and started dancing and singing to Hands to Myself by Selena Gomez (I was updated with today's tech and society and stuff, don't fret, don't ask how, thanks to Pan). Here, my eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets...

(Amanda and all the boys are up-to date with the society because Pan gives them magazine and phone and stuff and books. I decided to do this because it would be funny. Well, it's International Pranking Day for Jake so...)

I watched in horror as he continued dancing and singing in front of Marcus and his minions. He really had a death wish. Was Marcus angry? I didn't know. Maybe he was. But when the song ended I could see him clenching and opening his fist. Jake, my dear, I hope your will is up to date....

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