What is in a Word?

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Hello guys, I want to do something fun in this chapter....so keep your eyes peeled for it.

Peel the potatoes, darlings, peel the potatoes.



Amanda's POV

I woke up with a start, something was wrong..... what was? I was freezing. I think some dumbhead had snatched my blanket away. I groaned as I forced my eyes open. There was a blanket on me but where Peter's spot lay empty. He must have woken up and probably, thats why I was feeling so cold. But this was the first time it happened to me.

When Peter came back from the bathroom, I stared at him with wide eyes and sighed. Finally he was back. But he had a naughty smirk on his face, "Why are you awake darling?" He asked as he crept closer to me. I reached for him, moaning, "I was cold, come here." He pulled back, "You? Were cold? Because I left?" I rolled my eyes, "Obviously. Come here, my personal heater." He raised his eyebrows.

He grabbed my blanket and threw it away inspite of my protest and fighting. It fell on the floor of the bedroom but it was none of Pan's concern. His eyes were set on mine which glanced at the blanket for a second. The tension in the air was so high that I was going bonkers....

Seriously, you could cut the tension through a sword. He slowly climbed on the bed, watching my every move like a predator watching a prey. He crept up to me, watching me down like a hawk till he was on top of me, taking my hands into his and pushing them down on the bed. His eyes keen on mine, saying so many words, that I could not grasp, and emotions flashing by.

I gulped, his eyes still on mine. My heart was fluttering like a butterfly. Then he rolled, still holding on to me, onto the bed beside me. Sleepiness evident on his face. He yawned, "As much as I wanted to continue, I need to sleep." I sighed, I was sleepy too. We both closed our eyes while I took a sneaky peek of his face. Damn! The boy was gifted with looks.

As I fell asleep, all I dreamt was about the boy beside me. I realised my mind was playing tricks on me. I should probably avoid him today and think. That's my best bet. I lay thinking as Pan snuggled me to death, still asleep....

I must have fall asleep again because when I woke up, I woke up to the sight of a Peter struggling into his pants. He threw it away and ran his fingers through his wet hair while I kept on watching him. He browsed through the clothes in his closet coming to a stop, "Darling, are you going to keep on staring at me or will you get out of bed?" I rolled my eyes and shifted, "Well, depends." A bright light blinded my eyes for a spilt second.

And then I saw Peter stating back at me through the mirror in his closet. "You put a mirror in your closet?!" "Yeah, just to make sure who was burning a hole through my well-bulid back." "Better keep your ego back into the egg, its rotten." Instead of answering, he kept shaking the mirror, which would only shine in my eyes and nothing else. I groaned, getting out of the bed. Peter turned and chirped, "That's the spirit! Good morning! Sleep well, did you?"

I scoffed, walking into the changing room and quickly changing into my normal clothes. Peter walked into the bathroom while I was brushing my teeth, and he started brushing as well. I quickly finished and made it to the kitchen camp before Pan. Liam and I will have fun today cause poor Liam is forced to stay in the kitchen missing out on all the fun. It was the only proper way...

Liam was rather happy to see me. I mean, more than happy. So...that day Liam decided that he was going to teach me how to cook...

Yes you do need to learn how to cook without setting a biscuit on fire....

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