This is A Family Show.... Or Is It?

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As only @Phoenix_girl26 answered, therefure her choice is gonna be written in this chapter.... I am sorry to sound rude, though...

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you like this story please consider giving it a vote. Have fun!

What do you do when a chapter ends?‬
‪Do you close the book and never read it again?‬
‪Where do you go when your story's done?‬
‪You can be who you were or who you'll become
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, if it all goes wrong
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, darling just hold on

^^^^Well that's Louis Tomlinson's Just Hold On. Lovely song. Sorry to ramble about it here. Keep on reading, fellas.....


'I were talking to Derek, whining to him that Pan wasn't giving me attention. As everyone sat for breakfast, I moved to Pan and sat on his lap, taking him by surprise. He hissed into my ears, "Amanda, you wouldn't want me to do this right here." I pouted, "You were not paying any attention to me." He smirked, "Is that what you want?" I nodded vigorously. He smirked and replied, "Then move and go to your seat." I huffed and got up. In the process, getting smacked by Pan on my bum.

I smiled teasingly back at him and worked my way to my chair. But before reaching my seat, I bent down in front of him to whisper something in Felix's ear, my bum full in display. And I also deliberately touched Felix on his forearm and giggle but he told me, "You are getting me in trouble as well." I rolled my eyes and bit my lips. I made one second eye contact with Pan who lost it and got up, grabbing my waist. He threw me on his shoulder and ...'

I got up with a bolt to only realize I was sleeping... and had shot up, right in front of Felix and Derek who were eyeing me cautiously. Derek sat down beside me, "Is there anything you want to tell us? Anything we ought to know?" I looked at them worried about them finding about the Dark One.

Well, it was possible they had information about them. The Dark Ones. But it was highly unlikely. I furrowed my eyebrows, tensed and still. As I felt their stare on me, I laid again in the soft bed, that disturbingly smelled of Pan. I shook in head in disbelief that I even thought of him right now, after that dream. That was completely absurd. There was no way I could succumb to his 'charms'. Felix waved a small piece of paper in front on me.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell us anything?" I shook my head no and then it dawned to me what he was waving around. The stupid note which had me so hyped up. Derek chimed up, " Do you still not trust us?" I rolled my eyes, "Unbelievable. Where did you get that. It's just a fake note. I mean I wrote it. Nothing to be worried about." Felix rolled his eyes, "Too bad. I hope you do know you are bad at lying?

I tried to stand but Derek kept me from doing anything, he had a really strong hold on me. "Felix, I-I couldn't bear to tell any-anyone." Derek rolled his eyes, "Amanda, do you even realize how serious this thing is? Do you even know how powerful dark ones are?" Great! Now he thought I was stupid. "Oh shut up Derek. I am not stupid. Sometimes you should understand what I did was for a reason." Felix did not seem to have any of it. "Derek, stay here. I am getting Pan."

That made me jump in panic. But Derek was still tightly holding on to me, not letting me go, his grip was that strong. What does he eat? "Derek let me go, dammit! That is why I don't tell you all things like this! Yeah just tell Pan everyone! You know I hate Pan! I hate him dammit! Let me go! Arrghh!" Next thing I knew, I was pushed into the bed, tangled in sheets. I huffed in annoyance and didn't fight anymore.

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