Ch 5: Welcome To Neverland

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My head was pounding and throbbing. I felt as if I hit it hard somewhere. All I could remember is Snow trying to shoot down a shadow... but why?

Ah yes! The Shadow!! I slowly opened my eyes, where was I? On a beach? Now why would a shadow land me on a beach?  But, the view was really spectacular. I hadn't been on a beach, so it was a first. 

Wow! I must  be on a coastal country and someone dressed as a shadow with the ability to fly has kidnapped me. And now, I could use the trees to make them into a boat and sail till I find a shore. It will be a long time but surely better than being kidnapped. I would have to work out supplies though. I could simply work my way out of this one.

Suddenly a twig snaps interrupting my chain of thoughts. I twirled around, catching sight of a tall boy with a club with his 'minions'. He said, '' Look out, IT'S A GIRL!!! I wonder what a girl is doing here? Take her to Pan, we'll see what he'll do to her. Probably throw her in a cage. Come on, let's get her."

Upon hearing his little banter, my body took the 'flight' mode and before they could barely approached me, I 'took off'.  I grew anxious in the pit of my stomach. I really didn't want to see this 'Pan' character. For all I know, he would hurt me and probably even kill me.

After all, if these boys are like this, what would their leader be like???


It's been a while. But this is the last chapter I wrote in 2016... which has been unfortunately been edited and I literally had to work on it to make it readable. 

I sure hope you enjoy my book. I assure you it will get better as the book goes on.

All the love,

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