Simply Me

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Hi guys! I am very excited for this chapter. No really. 
Moving on....

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Nevermind that...Go ahead skip this boring author's note...


Amanda's POV

I was quietly observing the celebration that night. These people didn't even need an excuse to party. Plus also I was annoyed enough by Oliver that afternoon. Annoyed and confused, to be honest. It was simple, I didn't kill Chester, heck, I have never been here. And even if Chester was dead or whatever, it must have been Pan who killed him. Then why was Oliver talking like that to me? I was no murderer. I was innocent, right?

You don't sound sure, love.

I am starting to think you have been spending a lot of time with Peter. You traitor! 

I am not the one who calls Pan as Peter like a love sick puppy, you know.

Pan stopped playing his little excuse of a pan-flute and sat next to me. Believe me, I love the tune and the instrument but I was pretty upset and conflicted right now. He grabbed me by my waist and within a few milliseconds, I was seated on his lap. I sighed, this boy never gives up. He was the most flirtatious specimen ever. My heart warmed as I watched my friends enjoying themselves, dancing around the flames. 

I wasn't sure where I stood due to the rise in drama every progressing day. Oliver made it sure I was unwanted around here and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Just be honest. And stop being so over dramatic.

Okay what happened was that Brian had brought a bag of candy for me. And while I was eating it, with music blasting in my ears, Pan snatched my candy bag away... and since then I was upset with him. MY CANDY!!!! Urgh.... I want it.

And that's what actually happened. Pan said it was payback for the prank she played on "International Pranking day". She is too embarrassed to say that.

Unfortunately, that is what happened. Other than that, he sat down beside me and chewed on the candy without my permission, popped a few candy in his mouth and gave the bag back to me, which was actually empty. I furrowed my eyebrows as Peter held my hand in his, looked deep in my eyes and asked, "Do you have more candy?" I rolled my eyes. Seriously, I thought he was going to ask something good and juicy.... Urgh....

I answered, "Nope...But if I did, why do you think I will give you?" while trying to take my hand back, but my poor hand was his hostage. He leaned in closer and looked down at my lips and back into my eyes. He grabbed my other hand and both of my hands were in his grasp, on his chest with one hand. His other hand was stroking my cheeks. Just then Brian entered, "Hey Pan!! I got it sorted- oops, bad timing. I. Am. Out." And shuffled out. It was quite comical, and I burst out laughing.

Peter groaned but that made me laugh even more and lightly laid my head on his shoulder, still giggling. He sighed and gently ran his fingers through my hair, and let go of my hands. After I finally calmed down and leaned back, Peter grabbed my chin, "Princess, would you join me for dinner?" I raised an eyebrow, "Is this a weak way of asking me on a date?" He sighed, "Something like that. Look, I wanted to make it up to you. I wanted to apologize for hitting you. I am better than that. Please, give me a chance?" 

Should I or should I not? But then........WHY NOT?!!!!! RIGHT? So that's what I answered....I think....

The day were in a blur, mostly because of me thinking of what to wear and all. Besides, where do you find dresses in a dumb-glum forest?! It's not like you just stumble upon a pirate's treasure box filled with clothes in the middle of the forests?! I was annoyed due to that specific reason. Call me insolent or whatever, the only clothes I had were Pan's closet with his clothes stuffed inside. The reason I was panicking was due to the reason Peter had asked me to dress classy, 'something with a gown would be nice', 'or dresses even'. Those were his exact words, mind you.

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