Mission Derek is a Go

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Hey guys,
I really appreciate your small support, may it be a small comment or just one vote. I really am very happy about the 2k reads and 50 votes. And you guys are the reason. I really want to send my thanks to all of you who supported me. Thank you so much.

By the way, you really should see the video up there ^^^^

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By the way, you really should see the video up there ^^^^. The ending is terrific. I was literally laughing and rolling on the floor. If you don't like the song, please feel free to mute it but do see the video... *crackles*

Anyways, this chapter we are gonna encounter some things, and hopefully find the solutions to our puzzles. I know I left you all in another cliffhanger. Sorry, I just love cliffhangers. Somethings to look forward to.

Anyways, we really need a good villain. Well-said by Prof. James Moriarty (if you don't know, he's the villain of Sherlock Holmes :P), "Every fairy tale needs a good old fashioned villain." Moving on... Sorry about me fangirling about other things. I should really focus on Ouat right now.

So, will anyone of you would spare me a moment and tell me how Henry and Regina is in this new season? I really liked both of them other than Pan.

I really talk too much, right? So let me continue my chapter but before that let me remind you that if you like this chapter or book, please, I repeat, please vote. Send me a feedback as well, if you can.


1st POV

Derek froze for a bit at my direct question and then bent down to pick up a stick, silently bringing me back to reality about why we were here in the first place. I also turned around and noticed a couple of good sticks, so I bent down to pick them up. I turned back around to face Derek to catch him staring somewhere he wasn't supposed to.

This is rich hot stuff!!! :O

Yeah. Literally. I think it's best we don't talk about this, you know, I am supposed to be his little innocent sister.

Neither so innocent nor a sister...

He hadn't even snapped out of his stare. I cleared my throat in boredom. He snapped his eyes back to mine, "Sorry, Angel. I was in deep thought. A debate, actually. I figured, I shouldn't answer your question. Next, please." I groaned in disbelief, "Don't you trust me?" He nodded yes, "I do. But it isn't my place to tell." I decided to give him my best puppy eyes and pouty face.

You mean you gave that look like you were constipated... ;)

No way. "Little dove, are you alright?" He looked at me in concern.

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