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This is the highly anticipated chapter! Rory is going to have her baby...are y'all ready? Enjoy!

"Ohhh Luke, look at this!" Lorelai held up a pink baby onesie that said 'Grandma's Angel' on it.

"That is adorable, how about this one?" Luke's had 'Little Mechanic' on it.

"You need to get that, oh and this!" Lorelai grabbed a hat with little lambs on it. "I love baby shopping, I miss when Rory was a little baby and I could dress her all up."

Luke picked out a small tutu. "How did they make a tutu for a baby?"

"It's soooo cute, get that too!" Lorelai began throwing things in the basket in a frenzy.

"Woaaaah slow down there Bowie, we still have Baby's R Us to go to."

"Ohh yay!" Lorelai jumped up and down.

"I still think you need treatment." Luke joked. "Let's go buy this stuff."


Jess grabbed his coat and headed out to work. "You and baby take care." Jess kissed Rory, then leaned down to her stomach and kissed it too. "3 weeks to go." He smiled.

"I'm ready for this thing to be out of me." Rory rubbed her stomach which was now gigantic for her small structure.

"I'll see you in 8 hours. Today is the big meeting." Jess worked for a real estate agency now. "I'll call you on my lunch break." Jess gave one final kiss before heading off.

Rory sat down on the couch and turned on the Turner Classic Movie channel. Mildred Pierce was on.

"Veda, get out of this house! Get out of this house before I kill you!"

"Wow, these old movies have such twists and dramatic." Rory said to herself. She continued to watch it all the way through, even though she'd seen it 6 or 7 times. Before too long, she had fallen asleep. She was jolted awake by her sudden need to eat. Cottage cheese. Cottage cheese with ice cream. No, vegetable soup! No, jelly...No! All of them! Rory's appetite since being pregnant had been so vividly abnormal, the other day she had craved french onion dip with mini chocolates. As Rory got up, she felt a cramping pain. She waved it off a bit but then it happened again. "No." She worried. "No, not yet. It's not supposed to happen yet!" She took a seat and then stopped. "No!" She quickly grabbed her phone to call Jess. "Please answer." She kept repeating through breathes.

"Hello?" Jess sounded rushed. "I'm still in that meeting, I can't really talk-"

"My water just broke." Rory abruptly cut him off. "Please come home."

"What? Okay, I'm coming! Just stay where you are, sweetie. I'm on my way right now."

"Okay." Heavy breath. "Thank you. Please hurry."

Rory then called her mom. "Mom!" She panicked. "My water just broke! Jess is coming to get me but please meet at the hospit- auhhhg-hospital." Another contraction hit her.

"Okay, I will! Hang in there, hun." Lorelai remained calm on the phone but as soon as she hung up started freaking out. "Luke!" She grabbed his jacket. "!"

"She's having the baby?" Luke ran out of the store with Lorelai and drove out to the Stars Hollow Hospital.


"Jess please hurry..." Rory's contractions were coming closer and closer together. Finally, Jess came running in the door. "Jess!" She screamed. "Help, there's no way I can wait, this baby is coming right now!"

It was Jess's turn to panic, he'd never delivered a baby before. "Rory, are you sure?"

"Jess!" She screamed. "Get your ass down here and help me deliver this damn baby!" She wailed in pain again and Jess hurried down.

"Um, I guess I could use what I learned from my mom when she told me about Doula's birth. Listening to a graphic story for 30 minutes finally paid off." He leaned down, and helped Rory get comfortable.

"Wait, call my mom and Luke." She shoved her cell at him. Jess knew the number and dialed as fast as he could.

"Luke, come to my apartment, Rory is giving birth here." Luke could here Rory's shriek cries of pain through the phone.

"We're coming!"


"Come on, Rory. Breathe. In....out." Jess pushed her hair out of her face, it was damp with sweat.

"J...Jess, I n...need to push! Auuuggh! Now!"

Jess didn't know who's heart was beating faster, his or Rory's. "Okay, grab my-" He didn't even have to finish before Rory grabbed his hand and squeezed harder than anything. "Wo-ah." Jess's hand began getting red. "That's sure a grip you got there."

"Ahhhhhh! Help me!" Rory begged.

Jess reassured Rory and grabbed her other hand. "Okay. Are you ready? Count to three then push alright?"


Both counted together.




Jess looked into Rory's eyes and she pushed with all her might. She screamed so loud, Jess thought all of Stars Hollow could have heard. "Okay, I can see the head! It's almost done, It's going to be okay, maybe three more pushes and you should be good."

Rory pushed again and a yell came with it. "That's it! You can do it, baby. One more push should do it."

Rory pushed for the final time and they heard the sweet sound of the newborn's cry. Jess cut the umbilical cord and handed the baby to Rory, who was now hysterical. Relief from the pain and now holding her child in her arms made her emotions go wild. Jess himself was on the verge of tears.

Lorelai and Luke rushed through the door and saw Rory holding the small baby in her arms.

"Oh my gosh." Lorelai couldn't control the tears that were flowing out if her eyes. "Sweetheart, she's so...she's perfect."

Luke handed Rory a small blanket and she wrapped her up in it. "Lorelai." She whispered. "Lorelai Haeven Gilmore." Rory looked up. "That's her name."

"Oh it's beautiful." Lorelai wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Do you want to hold her?" Rory offered.

"I'd be delighted." Lorelai cradled the tiny human in her arms. "Look at her." Luke stood next to Lorelai and wiped away the tears that were in his own eyes.


They went to the hospital, just to make sure everything was okay and it was. At home, they got Lorelai or as they would call her, Haeven, all fancied up in a onesie saying 'Metallica' on it. From Lane, of course.

"I'm so glad you all are here." Rory directed at everyone. "I couldn't have done it without you guys."

"We love you, Rory." Luke said as he hugged her close.

Thank you for reading!!!! More updates soon I promise!

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