Stormy Chances

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"Rory can you come check this out?" Jess pondered at the sight of his laptop.

Rory paused the television and checked out Jess's issue. "What is it?"

"There's just this one problem..." Jess stared at his computer. "It's just I can't seem to figure out...." He turned around to face Rory. "...why you're so beautiful." He smiled and kissed her.

Rory blushed. "Aw, Jess."

"Seriously, Rory. Stop it." Jess grabbed her hand. "Pregnancy is treating you well, you're glowing."

"Probably just the sweat from doing all this work." Rory shoved the basket of clothes in Jess's direction. "Be a dear and wash these for me?" Before Jess could even object, Rory flashed him her famous puppy dog eyes and pouted her lip out. "Please?"

Jess had no leg to stand on. "Fine. But only cause you're so cute."


That night was not so cheery, Rory was jolted awake by the loud storm, only causing Jess to follow as she tossed a bit. And of course they weren't the only ones awake; piercing screams and wails blared through the baby monitor.

"Damn it." Rory threw off the covers and sprinted to her balling child's room. "Haeven it's alright." She picked her up and cradled her. The storm was getting worse, the rain poured and eventually loud thumps were heard on the roof. Great. Rory thought. Jess came and met them.

"Is everything okay?" Jess noticed Haeven's reddened cheeks and teary eyes. The baby was sucking her thumb and sniffling spatially.

"Getting there." Rory continued to rock her daughter, hoping sleep would find her again. When the outside became calm for more than 30 seconds, it was interrupted by a loud bolt of thunder that seemed to be right next to them. Jess saw the crystal blue orbs in Haeven's eyes well up with tears as she started balling again.

"Let me get her, you go sleep." Jess noticed Rory's desperate expression, the need for sleep overwhelming her.

"Thank you." She near whispered.

Haeven's tiny hand was clenched on Jess's shirt. Her eyelashes looked noticeably longer when drenched with tears and her nose was pink. "You're such an angel, you know? It breaks my heart to see you cry. I promise you're safe, nothing's going to happen to you; I won't let it." Jess snuggled Haeven in his arms and he sat down. She slowly closed her eyes, sleep finding her and finally relaxed into slumber. The only sound in the room was from her low breathing, much more steady than her previous staggered. When he was certain she was fully asleep, Jess put her in the crib and headed back to his room where Rory was sleeping. He quietly got under the covers and unconsciously, Rory snuggled into his arms. Jess placed a soft kiss on her head. "Goodnight."


"Ahhh!" Lorelai screamed as she saw something move past her path. "Luke!"

"What? Are you okay?" A disoriented Luke came tripping by. It was the middle of the night and he had just jumped up out of bed.

"Luke, there was a bug! Right there!" Lorelai pointed at the ground in front of her.

Luke looked closely. "Where?"

"Right there!" Lorelai was freaking out.

"Oh that little thing?" Luke examined the small spider.

"Yes!" When Luke went to kill it, Lorelai scampered out of sight.

Luke almost laughed at her irrational behavior. "It was so small."

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