Married With Children

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"Jess, please help!" Rory was holding Rosalyn and Adley, trying to feed them and Haeven was pulling on her shirt.

"Mommy look, Mommy!" The little girl was begging for attention. "Look!"

"Hold on, Haeven. Jess, please!"

"Mommy, I dance!" She twirled around but got frustrated when her mother had her full attention on other matters. "I am b...bala...balrina!" She started doing jumps and twirls around her busy mother. Ever since Rory told her she could take dance lessons when she was two, all the girl would do was dance around the house. She wanted to be a ballerina.

"Haeven, I will watch in a second. I need to help your sisters right now." Since Jess was either too busy or couldn't hear, she set down Adley in her crib and tended to Rosalyn. She let out a small noise and Rory sat down. "Please drink my milk. Pretty please?" Neither infant was doing too suburb of a job at taking to Rory's breastfeeding and it was quite annoying. "Do you not like me?" Rory sighed.

"Did you call me?" Jess came up the stairs holding a diaper bag and two bottles. "I'm sorry, I was trying to find stuff that you'd need to bring up here."

"Thanks, Jess." Rory handed Adley off. "We need to go to the store, I need diapers and more formula. Rosalyn and Adley will not drink my milk." Rory grabbed the diaper bag. "This should be interesting."


The Mariano's tried not to shop and go out a whole lot. When they had just one child, it was difficult to shop without something happening. Either Haeven got upset because she wanted something, or she threw a tantrum. Neither Jess nor Rory condoned that behavior but it was hard keeping track of a small child even in a short amount of time.

Rory strapped the twins in their seats and Haeven in her's.

"Haeven?" Rory asked when they were all in the car.

"Yes, mommy?"

"Can you be my big-girl helper today?"

The child seemed thrilled to be of help. "Yes!"

When they got to the store, Jess got the shopping cart ready and seats filled with their two, adorable little girls.

"Okay, Haeven. Time to be my helper."

Haeven smiled wide and twirled.

"Can you reach these diapers?" Rory pointed to a bag that was on the same level as her.

She grabbed it in her small hands and threw it in the cart. "Yay!"

"Thank you so much! I need some more things, but I bet you're too tired to do it. You worked really hard..." Rory laughed a little when her daughter immediately protested.

"No, Mommy I can, I can!"

"Woah! You're not even tired?"

"No, I strong." Haeven flexed her muscles. "Grrr."

"Oh my! Daddy better watch out, we have a very strong child."

Haeven laughed.

Rory continued to point to things and Haeven happily got them. She loved being mommy's helper for the day.

Thankfully, everything went smoothly. They got everything they needed and no issues occured.

On the way back, there was traffic. Which was odd considering they were a mere 20 minutes from home.

"Mommy..." Haeven's tone expressed something neither Jess nor Rory was wanted to deal with at that moment.

"Yes, babe?"

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