New Stages

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"Here comes the plane!" Rory said as she pretended to zoom the spoon with food on it into Rosalyn's mouth. "Mmmm yummy!" She tried to encourage.

The baby just sat there, refusing to eat.

"What about you, Adley? Want some of this yummy food?"

Adley pushed her hand away in disgust.

"Come on, you have to eat. It's so good." Rory put a little in her mouth and realized what an awful decision that was. "Eck. This stuff is disgusting."

The babies began laughing.

"Oh, so this is funny?" Rory grabbed another spoonful. "Will you eat now?"

Rosalyn happily took a bite and Adley ate a little.

"Good girls!" She congratulated.

"Mommy, can I have some of that?" Haeven asked as she walked in.

"But honey this is baby food."

"I want some."

"Here, eat your sandwich. It's for big girls like you." Rory handed her a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on it.

After a couple minutes, Rory heard Haeven scream.

"What's wrong?" She looked over to her distraught daughter.

"Sparkles ate my sandwich!" Sure enough, there was the dog, gulping down the rest of the crumbled up sandwich.

"Bad dog!" Rory scolded the dog who looked back up at her with guilty eyes.

"Bad dog!" Haeven repeated and pointed her finger towards Sparkles.

Sparkles barked and began wagging his tail and started licking the jelly and peanut butter that remained on Haeven's hands. She began laughing.


Luke was cleaning up the living room when Lorelai came in with bags and was wearing new sunglasses.

"Wow. Don't you look cute." Luke said and hugged his wife.

"Thanks, love." Lorelai returned with a kiss.

Luke examined the bags, two from Urban Outfitters and Neiman Marcus. "What are these places?"

"Oh you know, all the people are shopping there now."

"When did you turn so high class?" Luke asked.

"When did you turn into Babbitt?" Lorelai retorted.

Luke stared back in utter confusion. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Mouthbreather." Lorelai whispered, jokingly.

"What?" Luke thought for a second. "Okay, we just started Stranger Things and you're already hooked."

Lorelai just smiled. "It's a wonderful show."

"It's pretty good, I admit."

"Gramma!" Haeven began running to her grandmother with her arms outstretched.

"Um, hi honey. How did you get in here?" Lorelai looked at door that was wide open and then two people came inside.

"You left the door unlocked, mom." Rory said as she set down two carriers.

"I did? Whoops. I just got home." Lorelai laughed and Haeven ran over to Luke.

"Hi, sweetheart." Luke grabbed the small girl up into his lap.

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