Where You Lead

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"I'm pregnant."

Everything in the world stopped. Lorelai took a moment to take in what was just said.

"Honey....congratulations." Lorelai immediately wrapped her daughter in a hug as she noticed the tears flowing down her cheeks.

"M...mom...." Rory started. "I don't know what to do. I'm gonna be alone in this. I'm....such a failure."

Lorelai felt the sorrow as she remembered telling her mom she was pregnant.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your wedding. The big giant failure ruined her mom's wedding!" Rory stifled tears and held tighter to her mom.

"Oh, honey. You didn't ruin anything. And you are not a failure. Sweetheart, you are not alone in this. Regardless of the father situation, I will be here to help and support you the whole time. You can't get rid of me, I'm sorry." Lorelai let out a small laugh.

"I love you. You and dad. I love you both."


"I love him, but I was referring to Luke." Rory wiped the remaining tears and stood up.

"I have one question." Lorelai stopped her.


"Who's the father?"

Rory's troubled look came back. "Logan..."

"Does he kn-"

"No. We ended things because of his fiancé. Mom, what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you. Let's get you inside. The ceremony is in a couple of hours."

Well, there you go. The reason I put Logan as the dad is because I think that's what ASP was going for even though it was extremely obvious. Rory went to visit her father, which ASP herself said Logan is Lorelai's Christopher. She talked to her dad, asking if he thought it was the right decision to raise her alone. I wanted Jess to be the father. The way he looked at her through the window...I don't know. Anyway, I'm sorry hopefully we'll get a season 2 that explains everything.

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