Moving On

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Wow, Y'all! It's been almost two years since A Year in the Life and I began writing this story. It has been one fun journey! Don't worry, I'm not ending it!! Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying it. Have a happy holiday season!


"No!" A fussy Rosalyn screamed and threw a toy across Jess and Rory's new floor.

Rory was not in the mood to deal with that. She grabbed her coffee mug and took a long, drawn out drink, "No throwing, baby."

Each Mariano child was special in their own way, and Rosalyn was being particularly special that morning.

"I told you no, and that's final," Jess' voice was stern and orderly. "Stop it, Haeven,"

Four-year-old Haeven threw herself on the floor, "Owww!" When falling, she hit her head slightly, making her cry more.

"Get up," Jess ordered. "You threw your own self on the floor."

Haeven screamed, "No!" She kicked her feet at her dad's legs, nearly making him fall.

"Haeven, get up!" Jess reached down and pulled her up.

Adley came running in, seeing the commotion and added to the ruckus as well.

Nobody was having a good day.

Sighing, Rory pulled her hair into a ponytail and tried alleviating the conflict, "Haeven, you're setting a bad example to your younger sisters,"

Haeven pouted, "Stupid," She kicked the side of the banister.

"No m'am," Rory warned. "Do you want a time-out?"

Haeven whined, "No!"

Rosalyn threw another toy and Adley followed her twin.

"How come they get to?" Haeven crossed her arms. "No fair,"

"Nothing's fair in love and war," Rory was growing tired of her daughter's' behavior.

Jess picked up Rosalyn who was having a tantrum, "Think it's time to go play upstairs." He wanted to separate the twins before one of them got hurt.

"No fair!" Haeven yelled. "Rosalyn needs time-out."

Rory took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but she gets punished in different ways than you. She's only two and wouldn't understand a time-out."

"I wish I was two," Haeven sighed and ran to her room.

"Haeven, no. Sweetie, come back here," Rory went to follow her but she was already in her room. "Damn,"

Rory's phone began ringing and Adley grabbed it off the couch. "Adley, give it back to Mommy."

Of course, the toddler disobeyed. She thought it would be funny to run away from her mom.

"Adley!" Rory was expecting that call and knew it was important.

Adley ran around with the phone, laughing.

Rory finally caught her and took the phone away. Adley began throwing a tantrum.

"No!" She kicked and screamed on the floor.

Rory answered the phone and apologized for the late pickup.

When she got off, she looked around her house. Adley was screaming, Rosalyn was throwing food, and Haeven was hiding in her room. Days like that she wished her mother was still living with her.

"I'll get the girls, okay?" Jess said, knowing Rory was having a tough time.

"Alright," Rory took a deep breath.

Jess grabbed his screaming daughter and talked softly to her to calm her down. He took away the food that Rosalyn was throwing and replaced it with a food she actually enjoyed. He looked over to Rory who was nearly in tears.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He placed a hand on her cheek.

Rory smiled, "Nothing is wrong. I just love to see you with them, they love you. You are so good with our daughters."

Jess took the compliment but replied with, "So are you, love. So are you. I'll leave it up to you to go take care of Haeven. That girl follows you around like a baby chick," He laughed and wiped away a stray tear that fell down Rory's face.

"Thank you, Jess." Rory kissed him then went to talk to her oldest daughter.

"Go away," These words came out of the four-year-old's mouth.

"Excuse me?" Rory opened Haeven's door wider but didn't step all the way in.

Haeven was still upset and Rory could tell that the little girl had been crying.

Rory did not want to invade her privacy; four was such an interesting age where kids began forming their own opinions. She simply spoke softly. "Haeven, you can't avoid me forever."

Haeven was quiet.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

Haeven remained quiet before saying, "Okay, mommy."

Rory stepped in and sat next to Haeven on her bed. "Are you having fun in here?"

Haeven held tightly to her teddy-bear, "Uh-huh." She was not confident in her answer.

Rory wiped away the tears on her cheek that threatened to drip. "I love you, sweetheart. You have grown up so much. You're such a wonderful daughter."

Haeven looked up from her bear, "I love you too, mommy."

Rory kissed her daughter on the head.

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