Road to Recovery

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Jess sat in his hospital bed, moving his leg up and down to stretch as best he could.

"How are you?" Rory walked in.

Jess smiled. "I'm not exactly Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing but I'm getting there."

Rory laughed softly and took his hand in your own. "Thank you. You saved Haeven's life..."

"Nah, I just jumped in front of her. I'm no hero."

"Yes you are, Jess," Rory persisted.

Jess just smiled. He saw the tears that were beginning to forming in Rory's eyes. "Hey, come here," Jess grabbed her hand. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just so worried. This is all my fault, I should've never made you come with me to the charity event."

"No, Rory. This is not your fault. I kinda wanted to go. I rather be here than there though." Jess remarked with a laugh.


"How ya holdin' up?" Lorelai noticed that something was bothering Luke.

"Great!" Luke looked up and ran in hands through his hair whilst removing the blue baseball cap from his head. "Yep, I'm good."

Lorelai knew better than to leave him with that. "Luke...tell me what's bothering you."

Luke sighed and gave up this I'm-tough act. "I worry about Jess, too. He got his life together and then this happens..."

"Oh, Luke. This isn't some sort of fate thing. It was a total accident."

"Rory was blaming herself, and I knew it was in no means her fault. I think I'm putting to much pressure on him somehow..."

Lorelai felt her eyes tearing up as she wrapped her arms around Luke. "Honey, it is not your fault. It's no one's fault. That crash was due to an idiotic drunk driver."

Rory sat in the cafeteria when she saw Jess walking towards her. "Jess!" She exclaimed. "You're walking!"

"Yup, the doctor said I'm sure to make a full recovery." Jess sat down next to Rory.

"That's wonderful." Rory hugged him tightly.

"Woah...careful." Jess laughed.

"Oh, sorry."

Jess and Rory sat together, just talking and eating. It was good to have Jess recovering and soon he'd be able to go home.


"Ready to go?" Luke grabbed the bags of clothes and headed out to the car. Jess was finally able to leave.

"Yes." Jess grabbed Rory's hand as he headed for the driver's seat of the car.

"Ohhhh no you don't," Rory grabbed his hand. "You're not driving, the doctor said you can't."

"Aw, come on Rory...I'm a grown adult I can drive a simple car."

"The doctor said..."

"Rory, I'm okay."

Rory did not take that for an answer. "Jess, I'm going to drive, you just got out of the hospital!"

"Okay, whatever." Jess walked around. "Go ahead."

"Thank you..."

When they were driving, Jess went reached back to grab his water bottle.

Rory stopped him. "I'll get it."

"I can get my own water."

"You're gonna hurt your back."

Jess sighed. "Okay, fine."

Rory happily grabbed it and handed it to Jess who was exhaustedly thankful.

When they arrived at the house, Rory made sure Jess didn't lift a finger; she carried all of his bags in, and helped him to the couch. "Careful, Jess." She'd say at his every move. Jess was getting tired of this overprotectiveness. When Jess went over to the fridge for food, Rory ran up hurriedly

"Jess!" She called. "What do you think you're doing?"

This pushed Jess entirely over the edge. "Rory!" He yelled. "Can I not do anything by myself? I go to the bathroom, you come tell me Ill fall; I try to reach for the remote, you nearly knock me over trying to get it first; I want some food and you act like I'm walking across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge! I breath in the wrong direction and you go insane. I wish you'd just leave me alone for 10 seconds and let me handle myself."

Rory was a bit taken aback. All she was trying to do was help. "Jess..." She whispered and felt acrimonious for aggravating Jess. "I'm sorry." The tears came back, her emotions rushed back to her and all she wanted to do was be out of sight. "I'm sorry..."

"Rory..." Jess limped up to her. "I know you're just trying to help, babe." He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "But I can take care of myself."

"But your-"

"Shh." Jess interrupted with a kiss. "I'll be fine."

Jess wiped away her tears and Rory smiled in relief. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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